73% of Board Members Say Their Companies Are At Risk of Cyberattacks

Most people tend to think that larger companies, namely those that have over 5,000 employees, will almost always be secure from cyberattacks with all things having been considered and taken into account. In spite of the fact that this is the case, it turns out that 73% of the board members for these large corporations feel like they are not all that prepared to meet cyberattacks if they were to occur in the near future.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this is a considerable uptick from the 65% that said the same in 2022. This comes from a latest cybersecurity report that was released by Proofpoint, and it reveals just how risky things have become these days.

There are two main causes that can be seen in the report that Proofpoint put out. Firstly, a rise in geopolitical strife is leading many rival nations to target the corporations of countries that they are at odds with. Secondly, an increase in hybrid and remote work options is rendering many localized cybersecurity solutions obsolete.

The more people work from home, the more risk they would take on because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up depriving them of enterprise grade cybersecurity solutions. Singaporean board members were the most skeptical, with 81% indicating that their companies would not be able to withstand cyberattacks. Canada came in second with 67%, followed by Japan with 63%.

Interestingly enough, 86% of the board members from Singapore that participated in this survey suggested that they have made adequate investments into cybersecurity. This seems to indicate that they feel like there are not enough cybersecurity solutions out there, and they would need better options in order to move forward with any degree of confidence. The UK seems to be faring worse than everyone else, with just 48% of board members from the island nation stating that their investments into cybersecurity appear to bear accurate which is not a good sign for the future.

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