67% of IT Experts Say Apple Products Boost Productivity

Apple has seen tremendous growth in the consumer sector, but its growth in the enterprise sector has been going on for quite some time now. However, is this trend just a result of companies trying to blow money on splashy goods or is there actually some value in buying Apple products for your employees? It turns out that there is actually a positive correlation between deploying Apple devices and business outcomes, at least according to IT experts.

According to a survey of 300 IT professionals including 100 C-Suite executives conducted by Dimensional Research on behalf of Kandji, 76% of companies have started using more Apple devices over the course of the past year. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 67% of the individuals that responded to this survey stated that deploying Apple devices makes productivity higher than might have been the case otherwise.

This has led to 57% claiming that Apple devices are growing faster than any other brands out there, and it appears the durability and longevity is a major factor in that respect. Many companies are investing in Apple devices because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up lasting a very long time, which can actually bring costs down in the long run. Indeed, 30% reported a decrease in cost of ownership over and extended period of time.

Over 50% of Apple users in the office said it helped boost productivity for remote workers, but just 15% said the same of Android. Furthermore, 76% of IT professionals that answered questions provided to them in this survey were of the opinion that Android and Windows products were more prone to cyberattacks.

In a world where cyberattacks such as ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common, IT professionals need to protect themselves. Apple’s superior threat protection coupled with the exceptionally long life of its products has made it a popular option in the enterprise sector, and chances are that this trend will stay right where it is at least for the next decade.

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