Meta Tries to Battle TikTok for Gen Z With Threads

Facebook used to be the social media platform that all of the youngsters of the world flocked to in droves, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, it has lost much of that status in the present day. Apps like TikTok are fast becoming the go to social media platforms for Gen Z, and Facebook’s parent company Meta has been desperately trying to claw back some of its pull with the younger crowd.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Threads might be Meta’s latest weapon in the fight against TikTok. While it might be seen as a direct competitor to Twitter, it is actually Meta’s attempts to re-enter the so called cultural zeitgeist by creating a platform that members of younger generations would actually want to use.

It turns out that Threads lost half of its 100 million users just a couple weeks after its launch date. This seems to suggest that the platform is already running out of steam, but Meta is not planning to monetize it until it is on a clear and set trajectory towards the billion user mark. Such a move could prove useful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making the platform more enticing to users than might have been the case otherwise.

However, a major issue here is that the majority of Gen Z users aren’t on Threads with all things having been considered and taken into account. 67.1% of US based Gen Z survey respondents stated that they do not currently have a Threads account. 25.4% went so far as to say that they hadn’t even heard of it.

Meanwhile, Reels is already providing TikTok with stiff competition. It earned $10 billion compared to TikTok’s $9.9 billion, so Meta might be better off focusing on this Instagram feature if it wants to compete with TikTok. Of course, the battle is not just for money but for cultural prominence, and Reels have been unsuccessful on that front so far.

H/T: Insider Intelligence

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