Google Chrome’s iOS Version Is Launching A New Bottom Omnibox Setting That Alters Address Bar Locations

It’s been close to two years since we last heard of the Safari browser from Apple altering the position of its address bar toward the screen’s bottom.

Now, it appears like archrival Google Chrome is following in its footsteps with the launch of its Omnibox Setting. As expected, the feature would be solely restricted to the iOS version and it’s currently reached the testing phase as we speak.

The feature was first observed by the leading developer for iOS who not only unveiled what it’s called but also detailed what the current status is for the rollout. This came with a screenshot that detailed more about how it appeared in Settings and how users could simply switch from one address bar’s position to the next on their screen.

To allow for such a switch, all you need to do is enter the Settings menu and click on Address Bar to make the most of this beta version. But if you’re in its TestFlight version, you can enable the flag called Omnibox Steady State.

H/T: Steve Moser

It’s yet to be launched for all kinds of users but despite the limited rollout, we feel it’s going to be a very useful offering for anyone wishing for more uniform designs across Safari and even Chrome. Similarly, we can see this being a great benefit for those having bigger screens as the address bars seen at the bottom are nearer to the click feature on bigger displays.

As per a recently published post by Android Police, tech giant Google attempted the rollout for its Chrome Browser nearly three years back. But with time, they felt it was necessary to get rid of it and hence opted to discontinue that.

Since then, we’ve seen Google Chrome push down the arrival of so many new features in the industry. But the news of this new setting is definitely a breath of fresh air for obvious reasons. Remember, the Chrome browser has been really working hard to better user performance through greater functionalities.

They’re working on better safeguards and also working toward an expansion of some more features. Interestingly, most of those are linked to bettering the safety of users. A particular point of interest is highlighting extensions on Chrome that were previously not up for grabs across the browser’s Web Store.

In other news, we’re hearing more about the company’s Privacy Sandbox endeavor. This would eliminate third-party cookies forever on these browsers. Similarly, we’re going to see more APIs that would be centered toward ads but wouldn’t be intrusive in nature.

Meanwhile, we’re also hearing more reports about Google rolling out a new offering that gives in-line previews of all the content inside a link. This is designed to generate an overview of the websites that would be visited before any link gets clicked on.

For now, insiders claim that not all the changes are getting the sort of positive response that you’d expect. So many servers need to evaluate how authentic devices are to keep frauds at bay. But if you think that didn’t come with a plethora of backlash, think again. People are concerned about discrimination and even surveillance. And it’s not just users who are showing concern but other rivals of the industry including Firefox and even Vivaldi.

As a whole, Google Chrome is pushing out more moves and the majority have been positive. However, whenever you hear about things related to data collection and controlling data belonging to users, know that there will be debates and objections across the board.

Read next: Google Is Adding New Security Layer To Personal Gmail Accounts To Prevent Hacking Attempts
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