UK Developers Seek $1 Billion+ Damages Claim Against Apple For Abusing Its Dominant Position On App Store

A new lawsuit is being talked about against leading iPhone maker Apple, thanks to developers based in the UK.

They accused the Cupertino firm of abusing its dominating role in the App Store by charging a high fee for all sales made on apps. The figure outlined as a claim for damages is estimated to go above and beyond the $1 billion value as it is alleged that the company engages in extreme forms of anticompetitive behavior.

The lawsuit similarly mentioned how members of the UK public are not being able to take advantage and end up missing out because developers aren’t getting the funds they deserve for their hard work that may be spent on tasks like the innovation of their apps.

The new lawsuit is being brought about by the likes of a top professor who held leading positions in the American Justice system as well as the EC. Moreover, he is believed to represent a whopping 1500 developers in the United Kingdom.

Today, he writes that with his huge experience in the field, he’s gone about writing a lot of papers and he is more than certain that such behavior is wrong and can give rise to huge issues in the industry.

What is interesting about such lawsuits is how it's a class action case where one can opt out and that signals how developers need not be registered to be a part of winnings arising. If the accusers do end up winning, the figure outlined for damage claims may vary significantly and could go up to millions.

But such allegations arising against Apple really make one wonder how this is not the first time that the tech giant is getting accused of taking an unfair commission as we’ve seen firms such as Spotify talk about this for a while now. In addition to that, we’ve seen tech entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk also go into detail about how Apple is behaving unfairly regarding its share of in-app purchases.

For so long, the tech giant was seen rejecting the accusations that developers are being treated unfairly and also argued how the fees being charged are what provide Apple users the chance to benefit from the most premium experiences out there today. It further delineated how it provides protection in terms of enhanced security, privacy, as well as stopping scams from arising and ensuring the best quality control possible.

Developers argue how the share at the start was 15% and within no time, it has increased to 30% which the iPhone maker refers to as its standard cut.

But this lawsuit is serious and it does not appear that developers in the UK would be backing down, anytime soon. Did we mention how there was a discussion related to how the firm charges developers a whopping yearly program fee that entails $99? So the main point here is that the tech giant is really finding more ways to monetize and get richer, thanks to its dominating role.

Other critics in favor of the lawsuit shed light on how if the fee charged by Apple was zero, users would still benefit from the exact App Store we have today as the tech giant couldn’t sell anything without its long list of priceless platforms including Netflix, gaming apps, Tinder, and more. It’s just that the tech giant is ready and able to take on this huge form of commission, thanks to its dominating role, that it can make the most of this fee.

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