Tweeting for Treasure: Twitter's Tough Road to Revenue

Twitter never misses the chance to be in the limelight. The popular social media network will launch a new ad income split scheme for tweet answers. However, the additional qualifying standards on the welcome page may make selling their tweet content easier for users. But wait, is that all? Do you earn that easily from Twitter? Let's get you to some loopholes.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk recently revealed that verified users would soon be able to earn money from advertisements displayed to other verified users in their tweet responses. A new screenshot from T(w) litter Daily News reveals the criteria for getting money from tweets, and it appears that it will be available shortly. Yes, it does sound attractive but is that it? Aren't there any terms and conditions to climb that opportunity?

Brace yourselves because what's coming next may leave you in sweats! To participate in the tweet money program, you must be a Twitter Blue member or be verified as an organization. In addition, you must receive at least five million tweet views every month for three months in a row. That's a lot of interaction; only a few Twitter users can match it. See, not all good things come for free.

Those who do manage to complete the standards, though, stand to earn a nice amount. With over 5 million views, consumers are expected to receive many responses, providing sufficient opportunity for ad exposure. While it is challenging to anticipate specific revenues from the program, top artists on the app may experience a significant rise in earnings. The incentive for famous users to post revenue success stories is to push others to strive for higher interaction, driving their ambition to claim their own piece of the Twitter pie.

This endeavor, though, may have its own set of difficulties. Twitter may accidentally encourage the distribution of fiery and contentious tweets to elicit a more vigorous response and enhance ad visibility inside reply chains by encouraging interaction. According to research, comments on web publications are motivated mainly by extreme emotions such as rage and happiness, with negative feelings frequently sparking more viral exchanges. Posting stuff that incites rage is the way to increase comments and replies.

By raising the engagement levels so much, it becomes practically difficult for average users to come up with such responses—unless they are well-known celebrities with a large following base or purposefully publish content that elicits comments. While this strategy may encourage high-profile users to tweet more frequently due to direct cash incentives, it offers a daunting obstacle for smaller artists attempting to fulfill these lofty requirements.

It's worth mentioning that Twitter may revisit and change these boundaries in the future to make them more accessible. As a result, the existing criteria may be used as a beginning point rather than a final assessment. However, as it is, the initiative is exclusive, at least in its early stages.

To summarize, while Twitter's new ad revenue share design offers exciting opportunities for individuals, the road to monetization still needs to be improved for most users. We may hope that as Twitter matures, it will take a more inclusive approach that will allow a larger spectrum of artists to profit from this potential. After all, people with intelligent tweets and a heart full of followers should be able to find treasure.

Read next: Twitter Raises Eyebrows After Claiming More Than 99% Of Its Tweet Impressions Arise From Healthy Content
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