Should AI Weapons Be Legal? 61% of People Say No

The rise of AI has created numerous opportunities for automation that can make things easier to accomplish than might have been the case otherwise. In spite of the fact that this is the case, it also brings its fair share of dangers to the table. Perhaps the most threatening aspect of AI is the manner in which it can be used to create weapon systems that possess automated payload delivery, and it is easy to see how this can destabilize the global status quo.

A recent survey conducted by Ipsos revealed that 61.3% of adults around the world feel like these types of weapon systems should be banned with all things having been considered and taken into account. However, it bears mentioning that these results varied from country to country, with some notable examples showing a striking willingness to not just legalize but also normalize automated weaponry of all kinds.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Sweden showed the most support for a widespread ban on AI based weapon systems, with 76.1% being in favor of a ban. Turkey came in second with 73.2%, followed by Hungary with 70.4%. Outside of this top three, no other country surpassed the 70% mark, although many of them expressed more approval for a ban than the global average.

Germany, Mexico, Spain and South Korea showed above average desires to ban these types of weapons, sitting at 67.8%, 66.3%, 65.8% and 64.8% respectively. However, some other nations showed a less than average level of intent to enact such a ban.

In India, just 35.7% of people said that they feel like automated weapons should be made illegal by some kind of international authority. 47.3% of French people agreed, which means that a majority of France’s population does to appear to believe in a blanket ban.

Some of the most powerful countries in the world, namely the US and China, showed a below average desire for a ban with 55.4% and 52.5% respectively. This does not bode well for the future of global peace and harmony.

H/T: Statista

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