Pinterest Experiments With New Process For Enhanced Ad Targeting On The App

Pinterest is one app that never stops carrying out tests to bring more innovation to the app. And today happens to be no exception.

The social media giant says it hopes to include a solution for better ad targeting on the app. This includes scanning emails to better the whole Pinterest journey of users.

As per a recently published report by Patent Drop, this system was put on display by the company as an innovative means to scrape into someone’s inbox to get a better understanding of what users would like to see.

This whole system would scan email accounts that users used to remain connected to the app. It would highlight topics that bring about more interest, depending on the types of findings obtained.

The idea is for the platform to serve the most unique content of them all, all depending upon what they find in terms of the user’s preferences. This includes customized feeds, boards produced through auto-generation, and material that has to do with the user’s interest.

For instance, when a user signs up for newsletters about restaurants, it’s clear that they’re invested in eating out. Hence, you would profit from more content of that sort because it’s clear you have some sort of interest in it.

But some people are referring to this as a double-edged sword. This might be due to the fact that people really do value privacy and such measures are clearly crossing the line, in some people’s views.

To that, Pinterest was seen mentioning how the system is totally reliant upon machine learning. The model is designed to take on data and really update the system as per the user’s preferences and likes. Moreover, the system would be the one choice if the sentiment attained on something, in particular, is strong enough to be a part of the user’s likes depending on how frequently it shows up in their inbox.

We are not quite sure if this might be passing the test held by the GDPR but we do understand the concept being adopted by the company. When you take on user permission and vow to never misuse the data obtained while emphasizing how this is in their best interest, we do not see the issue here.

Whether or not people end up giving the app the green signal for such a purpose, only time can tell.

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