Just 36% of UK Companies Are Using Machine Learning and AI, New Survey Reveals

Many experts in the tech space are of the opinion that machine learning as well as other forms of AI are the name of the game, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, adoption rates are still quite low. A recent survey conducted by the Digital Futures At Work Research Center revealed that just 36% of employers that are based in the UK have adopted AI so far.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that most of these companies don’t have plans to invest more heavily into AI in the future either. Only 10% of the employers that responded to this survey stated that they intend to up their investments into this space, which seems to suggest that the AI revolution is not quite as set in stone as some have suggested.

The main issue here seems to be that employers can’t find people with the right kinds of digital skills. Around 75% of employers indicated that they are having trouble locating workers that have the correct knowledge regarding digital matters that can facilitate them onboarding more AI into their work processes.

However, it bears mentioning that just 10% of these employers are willing to invest into training programs. Such a trend is troubling because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up inhibiting them from capitalizing on the productivity boosts that can come with widespread AI usage.

Investing in digital training is crucial if companies want to use AI more frequently than might have been the case otherwise. It may no longer be tenable to rely on old fashioned work processes, since the corporations that have the good sense to utilize AI will soar past their competitors with all things having been considered and taken into account. These findings suggest that there is a wide gap between what employers are willing to do and what they need to do in order to stay up to date as far as technology is concerned.

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