July 2023 Rankings: The World’s Most Visited Websites Around The Globe

If you happen to be an avid internet user, we’re sure you’re familiar with a long list of websites from all over the world.

The figure for website giants who have been making it big are plenty but only the best continued to dominate in an unmatched manner. And in case you’re wondering which websites and apps ranked the highest, we’ve got some great news for you.

Thanks to stats taken from SimilarWeb by Datareportal, here is the world ranking for the most visited websites based on the type and amount of traffic they managed to generate. So let’s take a look!

Most Visited Websites By Type

You’ll be amazed at how specific themes did remarkably better than all others. But there are no surprises here that the theme of social media reigned supreme against all others.

Both the domains of chat and messaging as well as social networks had the greatest number of users with figures going up to 94%. Meanwhile, those comprising search engines stood in third place with 80.4%. Shopping and auctions took the fourth spot in the global website rankings list with 74.5% while location-based websites occupied the fifth spot with 53.8%.

Email, weather, music, and news websites had less than 50% of the user market engaged. Furthermore, other areas of less interest included games, mobility, banking, sports, and travel.

Most Visited Websites By Traffic

With a monthly average of 88 billion total user visits, the popular Alphabet-owned website Google is now standing at the top of the list with the largest figures for its classic flagship domain which is Google.com. The company that generates 80% of its earnings through ads is really doing great on this front where users visit at least 8 pages on an average basis.

In the second place, it’s Google’s popular video-sharing app called YouTube where the total number of visits by users every month stands at 33.4 billion. Every month, 2 billion users visit the platform to make the most of their leisure time on this app where they get to view all sorts of videos.

The third, fourth, and fifth rankings went to popular social media apps Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with 17 billion, 6.58, and 6.57 total user visits on the platforms each month.

It’s interesting to see China’s top search engine Baidu falling short of the top most visited websites from all over the world. It just had 267 million visitors arriving on the platform each month, completely away from the one billion figure seen for websites that made the top five list for most visited websites.

And while TikTok does appear to be a leader in the social media app sector, it ranked number 15.

Read next: Cracking the Code: Assessing the Power of Social Media Ads
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