Guardians of Gadgets: How Parents Navigate Smartphone Shopping for Kids

Choosing a suitable gadget for children is problematic in a world where cell phones have become integral to our lives. HMD Global, the well-known supplier of Nokia phones, sheds light on the motives behind parents' smartphone purchases, providing marketers with valuable data.

While price is an important consideration, it's surprising that 70% of customers would choose a smartphone over a less expensive non-smartphone. However, 83% of parents emphasize the significance of parental controls when choosing a gadget for their children. Furthermore, 64% of parents prioritize kid limits, followed by durability (57%) and location tracking (55%).

Surprisingly, parental monitoring of their children's phone activity appears to be influenced by age. 78% of Millennial parents regularly supervise their children's texting and phone usage, compared to 59% of Boomer and Gen X parents. Nonetheless, child safety limitations are universally considered critical, with 65% of Millennials and 64% of Boomer and Gen X parents placing a high importance on them.

Parents also allow their children to carry phones to school because of the requirement for good communication during crises.

Regional variances exist when the cost is considered. While 25% of Southern parents spend between $150 and $300 for their child's first phone, only 12% in the Northeast and 17% in the Midwest do the same. In the Northeast and Midwest, 25% had spent less than $150.

Fathers are often more ready to overspend on a child's first phone than moms but by a slight margin.

Opinions differ on the ideal age for youngsters to acquire their first phone. Surprisingly, just 12% of parents agree that children between 7 and 9 should have a phone. Instead, almost 34% believe the optimal age is between 10 and 12, while 31% believe the ideal age is between 13 and 15.

Choosing a child's first phone may be daunting, with various alternatives, preferences, and information sources to consider. As Jackie Kates, GM of marketing for North America at HMD Global, points out, finding a device that meets their children's requirements without breaking the bank is a legitimate necessity for many parents.

On May 22, 2023, HMD Global surveyed 600 customers, giving insight into the interests and considerations of parents when purchasing smartphones for their children.

In conclusion, while selecting a smartphone for their children, parents emphasize features such as parental controls, child limits, durability, and location tracking. While price is a consideration, safety features and age appropriateness take precedence. Parents are trying to balance giving their children cutting-edge technology and guaranteeing their children's safety in the digital realm.

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