Google Says AI Technology Can Boost The UK’s Economy By Adding More Than £400 Billion By 2030

Google is speaking about the great benefits that AI technology possesses and how it has the great potential of boosting the UK’s economy by a significant amount.

We’re talking about a figure that exceeds 400 billion pounds and that too by the year 2030.

Such reports are clear indications of how strongly Google sees the world of AI and similar tools that give rise to major enhancements in productivity while causing a gain in the accessibility for positions for those having disabilities. At the same time, it provides individuals with specialized training related to skills from the digital and tech world.

The report that was recently commissioned by Google also speaks about the huge productivity benefits that come with adopting AI technology. Hence, innovations linked to the AI world cannot be ignored and must be taken advantage of, Google adds.

And if considered, we could be saving a normal everyday employee from the UK from serving more than 100 hours each year. And that is record-breaking when we look back at Google’s history and one of the biggest benefits that arose after the start of Google Search.

AI tools are designed to reduce manual labor and enable tasks to occur in a free-flowing nature while giving employees the liberty to use their efforts in another domain. But remember, AI won’t be replacing human jobs. They will be altering them and making them easier to perform and who wouldn’t want something of that sort to occur.

As a whole, the leading Android maker says nearly 400k hours can be saved each year in terms of conducting work related to administration for both mentors and GPs. Such a dramatic decline in people‘s work could result in getting rid of the issues that arise due to dramatic shortages in employees.

Moreover, we’re seeing a release of nearly 8 billion pounds as far as saving resources are concerned as they can be made use of in other places and for other reasons.

Similarly, Google says AI can further enhance accessibility by providing more than one million disabled individuals the chance to get back into work, and that in itself would benefit the economy and add a whopping 30 billion pounds more annually for growth in the economic sector. As it is, those who are disabled are definitely less likely to work or even considered for leading job positions.

Technologies such as voice-related tools, translation, and more can be considered in this regard and it would end up making the use of computing easier as well. For instance, you can now use the tools to produce captions that allow users to connect with one another and gain less reliance on others to get the job done well.

Google even shed light on how AI can enable training of digital skills that are so much in demand today. Both coding assistants and those linked to the tutoring industry would benefit and help in boosting the economy by nearly 5 billion pounds each year.

Today, a whopping 35% of firms feel they struggle with finding the right person that has the right type of skills to carry out leading digital tasks that are in demand in the tech world today. And due to that, it stops them or serves as a barrier when it comes to them attaining the perfect job.

Google also took pride in how it has sought digital skill training for more than one million UK citizens via its initiatives. So as you can imagine, it’s a big thing that the government should really consider.

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