Google Expresses Desire For Web Publishers Having Control Over Content For AI Training

Today, AI systems are being trained on large language models and this comprises a plethora of data that must be taken into consideration from the web.

But that has sparked major outrage and concern among tech firms and creators of the content who feel robbed of their valuable hard work. Neither are they compensated financially nor are they given any form of recognition either.

And as you can probably imagine, it’s not a great position to be in. This might be one of the leading reasons why tech giant Google is making due efforts for AI training and control to be done on content that web publishers have complete authority over. In simpler terms, it means saying hello to upgraded robots.txt.

The tech giant was seen speaking about how such precautions are necessary if you want to work in an ecosystem that’s balanced and vibrant. Moreover, it also indicates how such files would further go on allowing websites to see if the content they own could be indexed on search engines or not.

Now we do understand how you might be a little confused on this matter. After all, controls given to web publishers aren’t a unique concept. It was talked about and came into being right before we saw the world of AI come forward.

The search giant says the goal now is to unite such web publishers with the world linked to academics and members of society and more so that what you get is a healthy discussion for the sake of AI training.

Similarly, Google added how the web standard approach is one that’s nearly three decades old and has been serving transparency and even simplicity for so long.

Moreover, the firm feels that Bard is busy training another much-anticipated AI model by Google called Gemini. So it feels it’s best to discuss such matters now so that it’s public and very transparent.

They hope to include sign-ups through forms so that various groups talk about interests, right before the launch ensues.

It’s definitely a thought that requires a little pondering over and while Google might be okay with it, we’re going to have to wait and watch what other leading tech firms feel about the idea.

In the end, Google concludes by stating how it would be bringing together all people showing keen interest in this endeavor soon.

Read next: Google Says AI Technology Can Boost The UK’s Economy By Adding More Than £400 Billion By 2030
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