AI Based Tools Might Increase Global GDP By $1.5 Trillion

The rise of AI has created multiple ripple effects that are still playing out and can therefore be difficult to predict the impacts of. In spite of the fact that this is the case, GitHub recently released a new study that shed some light on the GDP impact of AI based tools such as their very own GitHub Copilot.

Based on the facts and figures that GitHub has presented in this announcement, it appears that the global GDP could increase by as much as $1.5 trillion. Just for reference, the global GDP as of 2023 happens to be around $105 trillion, which means that AI tools alone will create a 1% increase in this number with all things having been considered and taken into account.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this increase is expected to happen in a relatively short timeframe as well. GitHub estimates that this $1.5 trillion increase in global GDP will occur by as early as 2030, and it will be largely due to a predicted 30% boost in worker productivity that AI based tools have the potential to create.

In a way, AI will be incorporating an additional 15 million coders into the industry by 2030, since it will be adding 30% to the productivity of the 45 million developers that are expected to be working by the end of the decade. GitHub Copilot in particular is helping developers get over imposter syndrome because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up stopping them in their tracks.

46% of the code that GitHub Copilot was used on ended up getting completed, and this can help developers to get more work done faster than might have been the case otherwise. This lends credence to the notion that AI will be an absolute changer, though it will be interesting to see what its full impact looks like by the end of the decade. The impact might also become more pronounced in subsequent decades that will come to pass.

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