Advertisers Who Left Twitter Are Now Eagerly Waiting To Launch Ads On Meta’s Threads App

The dilemma related to Twitter’s advertisers continues to arise as we speak. And no matter what Elon Musk says, they’re just reluctant to go back to the platform, citing brand safety issues.

But that does not mean advertisers are going to be missing out on the opportunity of launching ads on Meta’s popular Threads platform.

Just last week, we saw Threads blow up with more than 100 million signups, which in itself is a huge deal. Hence, the popular messaging app is really the hottest place to be in the tech world and no industry expert would ever wish to miss out on a golden opportunity like this where the world happens to be.

So as the struggle for Twitter continues, the advertisers are eyeing the Threads app for messaging. But for those that might not be aware, Threads is yet to give the green light to run ads on the app. Meta says it might be planned later on.

So many firms are interested in running ads on the app as they feel it’s going to bring about great returns, and rightly so. The news was confirmed by CNBC today who says the lineup is already huge with some big names from the industry as well as digital marketing firms.

Threads has really become many people’s topic of interest and that’s why companies are now working to see how to allow the app to fit into its social media strategy.

So many firms stopped showing interest in advertising on Twitter after Musk took charge last year. There was a clear rise in both racist as well as hate speech and they’re just eagerly awaiting the chance to advertise on Threads after Meta allows them to do so.

Meta reiterated how its major focus is to design a core for the product of Threads and less emphasis is now placed on monetization. So many features are in the pipeline as confirmed by the head Adam Moserri who wants users to know that it would be worth the wait.

This includes the addition of edits, hashtags, ability to delete accounts with ease, among so many others. Similarly, people can witness posts in a chronological manner soon, alongside plenty of other tools along the way.

See, the end goal of brands is to ensure that the right content reaches the right type of audience. This would help them better comprehend what it is that users enjoy seeing on the app and also what trends are making it big as we speak.

Nobody wants their money to go to waste and marketing agencies are no exception. So that’s why they’re waiting for Threads to add more features and make the platform a place where effective marketing takes center stage.

Twitter is now going to have to suffer in silence as they watch Threads make the most of the opportunities that it could have gained. And that is not something that a person like Elon Musk would enjoy seeing. As it is, traffic on the Twitter app is at an all-time low.

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