86% of Consumers Are Willing to Share Their Email Address, Here’s Why That Matters

Most brands nowadays are facing a similar problem in that they are struggling to ascertain what information consumers will be comfortable enough sharing with them. The App Tracking Transparency protocol implemented by Apple, coupled with the deprecation of third party cookies by Google and other tech companies, has made it ever more difficult for marketers and brands to get their hands on this all important data.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there is one type of information that customers are willing to share. This comes from a survey conduced by Airship, and it revealed that as many as 86% of customers said that they would not mind sharing their email address with brands. That can be important because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing brands to communicate offers and promotions more effectively than might have been the case otherwise.

Interestingly, 78% of customers stated that they are willing to provide data pertaining to their interests as well with all things having been considered and taken into account. 77% will provide their name, 70% said that they can offer their preferred mode of communication, and two out of three consumers, or 66% to be precise, mentioned that they will allow brands to see what they perused on their website.

These are the top five bits of info that brands can obtain from customers. In spite of the fact that this is the case, other pieces of data are far less accessible, such as location tracking. Just 43% of customers feel comfortable with brands being able to track their precise location, so this might not be the most ideal area for brands to explore. Social media profiles are also closely guarded, with the majority of customers, 56%, saying that they would never allow brands to get their hands on anything of this sort.

All in all, brands must be aware of what they can and can’t ask for. This will help forge stronger relationships with customers.

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