WhatsApp Updates: Screen-Sharing, Message Editing, and Channel Notifications Coming to the Users

According to WBI, Meta-owned WhatsApp has been planning to release three new features for the Android and Windows users.

Starting off with the first change, WhatsApp is introducing an exciting new feature for its Windows testing audience. The latest pilot variant, labelled 2.2322.1.0, brings the long-awaited screen-sharing functionality to video calls. This means that users can now share their screens with others during a video call, making it easier to collaborate, show presentations, or simply share content with friends and family.

Screen-sharing has become an essential feature in today’s digital landscape, enabling people to work together remotely and enhance communication. With this update, WhatsApp is catching up with other popular video conferencing platforms that have already incorporated this capability. Now, Windows users can enjoy the convenience of sharing their screens while having a video conversation, regardless of whether it’s for professional or personal purposes. A small group of testing audiences has already released the pilot version, and it is expected that the group will be expanded soon.

In addition to screen-sharing, WhatsApp is also introducing a new message editing feature in its Windows pilot variant. This feature allows users to edit and modify their sent messages even after they have been dispatched. It’s a handy tool that enables users to correct typing errors, clarify information, or update content in conversations without the need to delete and retype the entire message.

The message editing feature is a welcome addition that streamlines the messaging experience for WhatsApp users. It provides more flexibility and eliminates the inconvenience of having to send follow-up messages to correct any mistakes. With this feature, consumers can maintain the flow of conversations seamlessly while ensuring accuracy and clarity in their communication.

And lastly, WhatsApp is actively working on a feature that will notify users when channels become available. This feature is currently in development and is expected to be included in a future update of the app. Channels on WhatsApp are public profiles that businesses and individuals can create to share content with a wider audience. According to the snapshot shared, it can be seen that a ‘notify me’ option will now be available. By tapping it, members will start receiving notifications from the platform. The feature is still in its early developmental stage, and hence the pilot version has yet to be released.

With the upcoming feature, users will receive notifications when a channel they follow becomes active or publishes new content. This will allow users to stay up-to-date and engaged with their favourite channels, ensuring they don’t miss out on any important updates or announcements. It’s a great way to personalise the WhatsApp experience and stay connected with the content and creators that matter to the audience.

Read next: Meta Is Launching An Innovative Broadcast-Based Messaging Endeavor For WhatsApp Called Channels
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