Twitter users will soon be able to play videos in the background and share screens

The Elon Musk, has recently shared Good news for Twitter enthusiasts through his latest tweets. According to him, in the near future, users will be able to play Twitter videos in the background while they are busy using other apps. This feature is especially beneficial for the increasing number of podcasts being uploaded to the platform.

If a user is browsing Twitter and stumbles upon an interesting video, if they want to continue watching the video, they will be forced to keep the Twitter app open and active. But soon, they will have the freedom to switch to other apps or lock their phone while the video continues to play in the background. The update will work just like a mini video player.

Podcast enthusiasts will particularly appreciate this new feature. Many podcasts now share video content on Twitter, allowing listeners to engage with their favourite shows visually. With the ability to play videos in the background, the audience can now enjoy these podcasts while doing other tasks on their phone. No more pausing or missing out on valuable content while they switch between different apps.

In addition to this, Elon Musk also shared some insights on Twitter’s future developments. He mentioned that soon, people will be allowed to screen share Twitter videos, making it easier to share content with others. Whether they want to show a funny video to their friend or share an informative clip during a presentation, this feature will come in handy.

Elon assured Twitter users that screen-sharing capabilities would improve in future updates. This means that the audience can expect a smoother experience as well as more options for sharing video content with others.

As people spend more time on their mobile devices, having the ability to multitask and access media content seamlessly is becoming increasingly important. Twitter’s upcoming feature to play videos in the background and Elon Musk’s announcement about improved screen sharing provide them with exciting prospects for enhancing their Twitter experience.

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