The limitations of Artificial Intelligence: Why AI can't surpass the human brain

Artificial Intelligence has become a familiar term and has brought tremendous benefits to many people. With the numerous models it has provided, AI is undoubtedly the most significant technological advancement in decades, enhancing work efficiency and aiding us in daily tasks. However, despite these advancements, AI can never surpass the capabilities of the human brain.

In order to understand the relationship between the real world and AI, a study conducted by Dr. Stuart Wilson and Professor Tony Prescott from the University's Department of Computer Science, came to the conclusion that no matter how much AI evolves, it can never achieve human-like cognition.

Since the emerge of models like ChatGPT and Dall-E, our lives have been much more easier, whether it be in the terms of helping put with studies, daily tasks, office work, they have increased the efficiency of our work. Nevertheless, it is important to note that these models rely on large neural networks to complete tasks in a manner resembling human-generated responses. However, researchers at the University of Sheffield pointed out that there are inherent differences preventing AI from thinking like humans.

To add to it, two crucial distinctions were highlighted. Firstly, the human brain is intrinsically connected to physical embodiments, enabling direct perception and interaction with the real world. This distinction plays a significant role in differentiating AI from the human brain. Moreover, our brain is developed in a specific architecture, that is, however, not the case in AI models. According to the study, AI could learn intricate patterns from data, but it lacks the connection to the real world which is a major role in terms of thinking.

The real question, though, is that will AI ever evolve to think like the human brain? Professor Tony, a Cognitive Robotics expert at the University of Sheffield, believes that if AI continues to be developed in its current manner, it is unlikely to achieve human cognition. However, there are potential pathways for AI to acquire human-like thinking, such as equipping them with cameras, microphones, and other sensory devices. It is good to see that progress is being made in enhancing AI thinking abilities through the utilization of recurrent neural network models that can make more accurate predictions of the future.

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