The audience overlap card will soon be introduced in YouTube Analytics

Creator Insider, an informal YouTube channel known globally for updating its viewers about the latest changes being introduced on YouTube by the Creator technical team, has recently uploaded another video in which they provide updates on a number of changes that are being made to assist the creator community.

Starting off with the first change, a new report in YouTube analytics will soon be added to help the community understand the viewers overlap across their formats. A new card will be introduced that will show if and how many returning viewers watch more than one format and how big the overlap is.

The feature comes in handy after the recent introduction of multi-format creation, as creators prefer knowing whether their current audience is watching the new format or not. The upcoming addition will provide answers to this question and will help creators better understand the type of format they should be working on.

Moving on to the second update, in the next few weeks, YouTube will begin running an experiment that will allow mobile viewers to create shorts featuring comments posted on videos they are watching. While creators are already able to reply to the comments that are posted on their own videos with a short, the technical team has now decided to offer them the opportunity to create content directly from comments.

These viewers who created shorts won’t send notifications to the creator whose video the comment is on. Since it will be an experiment, only a limited number of Android and iOS users will be able to experience it for the time being.

And lastly, Lauren, YouTube program manager and producer of Creator Insider, shared a reminder to accept the latest YouTube Partner Program terms in Studio. The reminder is for those who are currently in YPP and have not agreed to the terms. If the terms are not accepted by July 10th of the ongoing year, they will be excluded from the program, and their content will no longer be eligible for monetization on the platform. Content that was previously eligible for monetization will also be removed from the list.

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