Instagram is Experimenting With an AI Chatbot in DMs

If you want to know what the tech industry is obsessing over, you need only take a look at the features that they have started incorporating in the recent past. Meta tends to be front and center in this regard. The company has previously used Snapchat Stories as inspiration for a slew of new features across Facebook, Instagram and even WhatsApp. They tried to do the same with short form content after the rise of TikTok.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that AI chatbots seems to be the latest bandwagon that Meta is trying to jump on. Snapchat added a chatbot to its DMs not too long ago, so it was only a time before a platform that fell under Meta’s umbrella would try to follow suit.

Meta has been using generative AI to offer features such as helping users make better Facebook ad and creating visual prompts that can be used in the creation of Instagram stickers. In spite of the fact that this is the case, the company is going full speed ahead with yet another AI addition, this time in the form of an AI chatbot that can be located in the DMs section of Instagram.

This chatbot can be used to help draft better messages than might have been the case otherwise. It can also be a useful tool if you ever need to ask a question in the middle of a conversation because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up streamlining the dialogue. Users will just have to type in @ai in the typing box and they will be taken to the chatbot which will answer any and all questions that they might have.

It will be interesting to see what other AI related features Meta brings to the table. The company is notorious for jumping on every trend with all things having been considered and taken into account. It also manages to normalize features thanks to its enormous userbase and massive footprint across the world.

H/T: Alessandro Paluzzi

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