EU’s Chief Says Discrimination Due To AI Is A Bigger Problem Than Worries About Human Extinction

The head of the European Union has sat down for an exclusive interview to express what she feels is the biggest issue about the growing trend of AI.

While most people including pioneers of the world of AI are stressing the issues of human extinction, it’s other matters including discrimination that comes with the trend that seems to be the bigger problem.

Speaking to the BBC recently, Margrethe Vestager says efficient guardrails need to be put up to get rid of such technical risks before anything else. Moreover, she further detailed how this was the right decision that would affect a person’s living like it could be the answer to whether or not they’d be getting a loan at the end of the day or not.

The leading EU parliament gave a green signal when it said yes to some AI rules that were announced yesterday. The vote appeared to be in favor of a new law that came alongside so many warnings regarding the right types of technology that help devices carry out the best tasks that use the human mind over anything else at a fast pace.

Some leading experts even released a warning that AI might lead to humans getting extinct. Moreover, the EU chief adds how this form of technology is not only multiplying issues like bias but it’s also designed to hold huge piles of data that keep getting sourced through the web that can train models and some tools along the way.

The huge problems having to do with extinction might be there, she adds, but nothing is as significant as seeing people be treated unfairly or be seen as someone that they really are.

Not being able to attain a loan to achieve your livelihood is a huge concern because that means you’re not selected due to race, color, social status, or even your address.

A lot of things are taking place as we speak. We’re seeing the authority that has to do with data protection in Ireland carry out planned delays in the launch of Bard. The latter is Google’s response as a rival to the successful ChatGPT.

As of right now, there’s no news on whether or not the EU will see Bard come out of not because no details have even been put out on the matter so this should be very interesting we feel.

The interview was then steered in the direction that spoke about the UN stepping in and regulating the AI model through a global effort. Those nations having a similar-minded theory about AI and its moderation need to step into the picture and lead the efforts.

Those firms need to set up the right standards that don’t go against the law. And if you aren’t already aware, there’s already a draft in place that speaks about this and is classifying apps into different threat levels that they pose to consumers. This includes both spam filters and some video games as well.

Read next: Google’s EU Launch Of Its Generative AI Chatbot Bard Is Scheduled For Delay
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