Top AI Pioneer Says He Regrets Not Prioritizing Safety Over Usefulness In His AI Work

Another day is passing by and we’re hearing more and more news about the world of AI and how the huge threats that it comes with cannot be denied.

One of the top pioneers in the world of AI is not staying silent on the emerging threats that it possesses. Moreover, he claims that he definitely regrets not putting safety at the top of the list when developing his work as it mostly focused on the usefulness of the ordeal.

Professor Yoshua Bengio spoke to the BBC today and how he was feeling really lost regarding his work in this life. His comments are coming at a time when experts in the industry are claiming AI is causing an extinction of humanity and it would not be long before we see that take center stage.

He similarly called for greater regulation and hoped for some militaries to be given extra regulatory powers so they could keep AI in check and balance. For those that don’t know, he is deemed to be the second of three godfathers in this domain and has been hailed as a true pioneer in the AI forefront.

Now, he feels it’s his responsibility to voice his message on the matter to the world before it gets too late. After all, AI continues to develop at an alarming pace and it’s not fair to stay silent and watch destruction taking place in front of your eyes.

A recently held interview was aired on the BBC where Bengio added how he had no clear direction on where such a project was going and it was, therefore, best to avoid overthinking and make the most of the situation now.

He added how this new type of work was giving him a lot of direction and providing a great identity on a lot of things that aren’t clear. In the same way, he says that it’s a challenge and the AI sector is one that can never be easy to deal with.

The idea and goal right now is to keep on engaging, encouraging, and even discussing with so many people that you find the right solution. And if you remember, such a warning was also set out by another AI pioneer by the name of Dr. Geoffrey Hinton. He spoke about how more regulation was required for AI.

Read next: World’s Top AI Experts Sound The Alarm On Growing Risks And Threats Of Their Own Work
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