Over 80% of Gen Z Check Notifications Within Five Minutes

Figuring out how often users check notifications is a useful metric for marketers because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up helping them adjust their campaigns accordingly. With Americans checking their phones around 144 times a day on average, which comes up to around 9 times per waking hour, this information could really help you to make your marketing campaigns more effective than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the vast majority of users, or 88.6% to be precise, check their notifications no longer than ten minutes after waking up. 75% of users check notifications just five minutes after waking up, and this statistic can change based on the generation that the user belongs to.

80.41% of Gen Z stated that they check their phones for any notifications within five minutes after awakening. Surprisingly, the second highest numbers didn’t come from Millennials, but from Gen X, 75.68% of whom stated that they check notifications within five minutes upon waking up. Coming in third were Baby Boomers with 74.57%, and Millennials were actually in fourth place with 73.4%.

Another important factoid to keep in mind is that 60% of users say that they sleep with their smartphones right next to them. 66% are on their phones during mealtimes, 75% use the phone while they are in the bathroom, and 57% admitted that they might be addicted to their devices with all things having been considered and taken into account.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, it seems like users are being safer with their smartphone usage. Just 27.1% used their phones while driving, whereas the proportion was at 41.3% last year. This seems to suggest that people are not taking as many risks with their smartphones, and that is a positive step that should ideally become even more pronounced by next year.

All in all, usage habits are roughly similar across the board, with a few outliers that deviate from the norm.

H/T: Reviews

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