Top Red Flags For Freelancers And Clients In The Outsourcing World

The concept of outsourcing is not a new one but being aware of the new dangers and threats that the freelancing industry brings forward is always recommended.

A new report by Skynova is sharing some common red flags that both freelancers and clients should be aware of. The study questioned freelancers about their perspectives on how relationships between clients could be enhanced. Similarly, experienced employers were told to give out some great tips about employment and how to ensure you get the best of the best from talent in the freelance sector.

Respondents were requested to state why they freelanced and how they ensured the relationships with clients ran smoothly. Similarly, they spoke about what they’d like in return for such behavior.

Remember, freelancers have plenty on their plate, as it is. Most of them consider this as a side hustle so their main job is still there and this is just an addition. 39% spoke of working full-time jobs while 17% worked part-time. On the other hand, 44% claim freelancing was their only job. And those that did it full-time had at least 3 different clients.

So when you’re dealing with so many people at one time, some of the skills required were inquired about. And the majority said practicing patience was key while addressing problems was another major endeavor.

Communicating boundaries and laying out rules regarding deadlines with expectations was necessary as well. In the same way, keeping written records and having an open mind for attaining criticism is the right way to go about the situation.

If and when done right, only then can you expect both the freelancer and the client to work on a more long-term basis. Most felt that getting respect from their bosses is always recommended as it makes them want to work more productively and for a longer duration of time.

As far as red flags are concerned, two of the most common ones by freelancers were addressed so others could take note. Firstly, being requested to work for free, and secondly, not getting payments on time. And the latter was a bigger issue among those in the millennial age bracket.

Similarly, getting payment in the figure they requested is also a top priority as one in 5 freelancers felt a huge red flag was debating on invoices. It just makes it simple to explain the process in the beginning and stick to it to avoid discrepancies.

With inflation reaching peaks in all places around the globe, 21% feel it’s high time clients understood that the reason for working was to be paid.

The report also spoke about how 21% of freelancers in the US got into the industry due to the current economic downturn. With that said, the advent of technology has instilled a lot of uncertainty in the freelancing industry. This is especially true when it comes to the advent of AI chatbots like ChatGPT.

Today, one in four freelancers are worried that perhaps they’ll be replaced by technology, especially those arising from the advertising and marketing sector.

The study goes on to assess what clients feel about their respective freelancers. After all, hiring is no easy deal, and finding talent that best fits your goals and objectives is difficult.

Most want freelancers who deliver quality work over time and create a positive working relationship. Similarly, networking and showing interest in full-time positions is another added benefit.

Asking employers for referrals, requesting feedback, and assisting with brand creation on LinkedIn also help.

In terms of red flags, missing deadlines, requesting early pay, and not signing contracts are bound to make a client wary. Another wary point is falsely adding more hours of work on invoices.

Clearly, it’s a two-way working relationship on both ends and great communication and positive working attitudes is the key to success.

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