US Senators Urge Zuckerberg Not To Open Meta’s Horizon Worlds To Youngsters

Meta’s CEO has been urged not to open its Horizon Worlds to younger audiences.

The news comes from two American senators that spoke about how it was not ready for release to the younger lot as there were no privacy and security protocols in place.

But it’s awfully interesting how Zuckerberg does not see eye to eye on the matter. He feels the app is up and ready for release for those between the 13 to 17 age group by this month’s end. And he hopes that would boost its user base and justify the billions that the company has used to bring about the metaverse effect.

At the moment, it’s only up for grabs to adults. And Democratic Senators feel they need to step in and cause a delay so that the app is not up for grabs to those below the age of 18. Keeping this entire situation in perspective, the senators highlighted how there has been a conscious decision to protect the younger lot. Meta does not have a great history in terms of safeguarding the rights of children.

Hence, they are demanding the whole thing gets halted with immediate effect. Therefore, both kids and teenagers are no longer going to be at threat in the metaverse with these measures, it continued.

The senators are highlighting so many concerns linked to the tech giant’s track record in terms of offering protection to those below the age of 18 and in case you were not aware, there aren’t many at all.

They’re also providing more insight into the dangers of the metaverse as seen in the bug that was included in Messenger for Kids. Here is where those between 6 to 12 were talking to strangers.

Reports were cited from an investigation that began in 2021. It showed how Instagram was harmful to teenagers including girls who they outlined as being a huge threat.

The tech giant responded to so many reports and added how the research had so many great aspects to it like girls feeling positive and safe while using the app. Meanwhile, other females spoke about carrying out self-harm and how bullying really took a toll on them as they made it a safer place.

Meta was seen outlining some great plans for the Instagram Kids application but after seeing all of this, it’s now on hold. This is right after it was facing some major backlash. There were some citations to research in the paper Common Sense Media that noted how the use of VR headsets to access the metaverse experience may result in nausea and strain on the eyes. Similarly, it could affect the privacy of users too.

After this particular research popped up, we saw Meta mention how its Quest headsets were for those that were above 13. And another spokesperson from the firm concluded that it was making a lot of sense as to why young teenagers could use the device with the right tools and safeguards in place.

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