New Study Says Most Employees Don’t Feel Comfortable Connecting With Co-Workers On Social Media

You may have heard the statement 'don't mix your personal life with your professional one' on several occasions.

It definitely holds some truth as this next new study about co-workers on social media proves.

The research goes on to speak about how a lot of people have trouble maintaining some sort of an online presence across at least one leading digital platform. And that means you can easily find your co-worker’s profile without putting much effort into the ordeal.

The new ease of connectivity in modern times means we’re bound to face more challenges in terms of how comfortable we really are when it comes to sharing our details in front of those we see each day at the workplace.

Each person works hard in deciding how much is too much in terms of sharing and it’s a dynamic issue as each person is different. Thanks to a recent survey by the famous All About Cookies team, around 1500 American adults took part in a study and they were respectively questioned about how they’re dealing with the world of social media with their respective colleagues. The whole purpose of this research was to attain a new kind of dynamic outlook on how people feel about letting others at work into their personal life. And some of the answers they received were certainly interesting.

Around one-third of respondents claimed they preferred to steer clear of their colleagues on social media apps at all times. But those that did choose to do so prefer the likes of Facebook in terms of making a great connection with their respective colleagues. And out of those, 85% said they use this app for establishing a social media link.

But shockingly, 25% of respondents claimed to have passed some major judgments about their colleagues which caused them to lower their opinion of them. Similarly, 27% spoke about seeing colleagues put up negative thoughts linked to the workplace through their social media profiles. And then one out of 10 people witnessed people getting fired for such damaging posts too.

44% of respondents that were managers mentioned how they did take social media profiles into consideration during the hiring process to ensure they were making the right decision.

So as you can see, all in all, employees’ social media presence does end up making some sort of a big difference. And whether you opt to ignore it or not, the reality is that it’s become an integral part of our lives, even if you might not be the biggest fan.

Read next: Fear of Social Rejection Spurs Individuals to Disperse Fake News, Investigation Shows
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