Get Your Website in Shape for 2023: The Ultimate Spring-Cleaning Checklist

With spring just around the corner in the northern hemisphere, now is the perfect time to give your website a thorough cleaning. A well-maintained website can improve your online presence, attract new customers, and increase engagement. From decluttering your site to implementing a backup plan, this article will provide you with practical tips and strategies to ensure that your site is ready to bloom this spring.

1. Find and fix broken links

One of the essential tasks on your to-do list should be to fix dead links. Broken links not only frustrate visitors but can also harm your website’s search engine rankings. When search engines encounter too many 404 errors, it may signal to them that your site is outdated or not well-maintained.

To get started, you can use a tool like Dr. Link Check to locate any broken links on your website. The tool will scan your site for broken links and provide you with a list of any errors it finds. Once you have identified the broken links, you can then take steps to fix them. This might involve updating the link to point to a new URL, redirecting it to a new location, or removing the link altogether.

2. Check and improve page load times

Another important tip for getting your website in shape for 2023 is to optimize page load times. With so many options available to internet users today, slow-loading websites are simply not tolerated. In fact, according to a Google study, 53% of mobile users will abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. Additionally, page load time is a critical ranking factor, meaning that improving your site’s speed can help it rank higher in search results.

To test your website’s load time, you can use free services such as PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, WebPageTest, or Pingdom Tools. These tools will provide you with an analysis of your site’s load time and recommendations for improvements.

Some ways to speed up your website include using a content delivery network (CDN), moving your site to a better host or server, minifying HTML/CSS/JavaScript code, compressing images, or using a caching solution.

3. Confirm that pages look good on mobile devices

With almost 60 percent of worldwide website traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to make sure that your website looks and functions well on smaller screens.

To confirm that your pages look good on mobile devices, you can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. This tool will analyze your website’s pages and provide you with a report of any issues that may affect the mobile user experience.

If your website design is not responsive, visitors using mobile devices may have trouble navigating your site, resulting in a high bounce rate and lower engagement. So be sure to prioritize this tip on your website spring-cleaning checklist to ensure that your website looks and functions well on all devices.

4. Test forms and other functionality

Put yourself in the shoes of a visitor and navigate your website as if you were seeing it for the first time. Fill out forms, take surveys, sign up for your email list, and perform any other actions that a visitor might take. This will help you identify any issues or opportunities for optimization.

Illustration: Freepik/Pch-vector

It’s also important to check if your website looks and functions correctly across different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, as well as on different screen resolutions. To do this, you can use a cross-browser testing service such as Browserling.

5. Review analytics to identify potential issues

By analyzing your website analytics, you can pinpoint the pages where users are leaving your website faster than others, signaling that there may be problems with your website’s current performance.

Additionally, reviewing your analytics allows you to identify the most visited pages on your website. These pages are likely to be the ones that visitors find the most helpful, so it’s essential to give them some love. You can optimize these pages to improve the user experience and encourage visitors to stay longer.

6. Evaluate the site’s accessibility

Accessibility refers to the extent to which people with disabilities can access and use your website. Evaluating accessibility involves checking whether users with different disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments, can experience your site.

To evaluate your site’s accessibility, you can use various tools such as WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools, Funkify, and tota11y. These tools allow you to simulate different disabilities and check how your website performs.

7. Declutter navigation

Good navigation should be intuitive, meaning users should know where to look without even thinking about it. Menus should be concise and easy to understand, and users should never have to work hard to find their way around your site.

By decluttering the navigation, you’ll make your website more user-friendly, improving the user experience and encouraging visitors to stay on your website longer. This, in turn, can lead to more conversions and higher search engine rankings.

8. Review the conversion funnel

A conversion funnel guides visitors step-by-step from the landing page to the final page where the desired action is completed, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a service.

To improve your conversion funnel, make sure your pages have a relevant, intriguing, and action-inspiring call-to-action (CTA). A good CTA should clearly communicate what you want your visitor to do, such as “Sign up now” or “Buy today”. The CTA should be prominently displayed on the page, and the text and design should be eye-catching to encourage clicks.

By reviewing and optimizing your conversion funnel, you can increase the likelihood that visitors will take the desired action on your website. This can lead to more conversions, higher revenue, and a better return on investment (ROI) for your website.

9. Keep the content fresh

Keeping the content on your website fresh is crucial for engaging visitors and maintaining their interest. This means ensuring that all information such as contact details, pricing, about page, and copyright information are up-to-date. It also involves reviewing your blog posts to ensure they are still relevant, updating or removing them if necessary. Finally, refreshing imagery, particularly on your homepage, can help to keep your website looking current and engaging to visitors.

10. Add new content

In addition to updating existing content, consider adding new information about your products or services, staff, or recent developments in your business. Adding new testimonials, reviews, awards, or certifications can also help boost credibility and persuade potential customers to choose your business over competitors. Aim to add new content regularly, whether through blog posts, news updates, or other channels.

11. Improve readability

To improve readability on your website, you can start by looking at it from the perspective of a first-time visitor. Ask yourself if the content is easy to read and understand.

Break up your content into sections with clear subheadings and use suitable images and videos to complement the text. Remember that many of your visitors will only skim through the headlines before deciding whether to continue reading or not.

12. Give everything a proofread

A thorough proofread can make all the difference in presenting a professional and trustworthy image to your visitors.

Take the time to read through the key pages of your website, such as the homepage, about page, and contact page. Make sure your copy has a consistent tone of voice and is easy to understand.

13. Add social media meta tags

Adding social media meta tags to your website can improve the way your content is shared on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Open Graph and Twitter Card tags provide metadata that allows social media platforms to display rich media content such as images, titles, and descriptions when users share links to your site.

By using a tool like Meta Tags, you can easily generate social media meta tags for various platforms, ensuring that your website looks its best when shared on social media.

14. Look for internal linking opportunities

Internal links help search engines understand the structure of your site and the anchor text tells them what keywords your pages are targeting. This is crucial for SEO success. NinjaOutreach used internal links to help grow their organic traffic by 40%.

Therefore, it is recommended that you review your pages and blog posts for opportunities to add internal links using keyword-rich anchor text.

15. Examine backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites to your own website. They are important for SEO because they signal to search engines that other websites consider your content to be valuable and relevant. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, not all backlinks are created equal, and links from low-quality or spammy websites can actually hurt a website’s SEO. That’s why it’s important to regularly examine your website’s backlinks and take action against bad ones by disavowing them in Google Search Console.

Services like Ahrefs, Moz or Semrush can help you perform a backlink analysis for your site.

16. Perform a keyword and competitor analysis

Performing a keyword and competitor analysis is crucial to optimizing your website for search engines. By browsing your competitors’ websites, you can gain insights into what they are doing that could benefit your own customers. Using tools like SpyFu can help you identify the keywords that your competitors are ranking for in Google, and plan blog posts that target those same keyword phrases.

This can help you gain an advantage over your competition and improve your website’s search engine rankings.

17. Keep the web server secure

It’s crucial to keep your web server and CMS up-to-date to prevent vulnerabilities that could expose your website to hacker attacks. Install the latest updates, and don’t overlook checking your website’s security to protect your data and visitors.

You can use security check services such as Website Vulnerability Scanner and Sucuri SiteCheck to scan your web server for security holes, known malware, and viruses, as well as server configuration issues.

18. Set up a backup and recovery plan

It’s essential to have backup of your data in case of a server crash or any other unforeseen circumstances. To ensure this, configure regular backups of your web server and database, and have a plan in place on how to restore the server using the backup.

Periodic testing of the recovery plan is also important to ensure that it works as intended.

19. Give the website a facelift

If it has been a while since you last redesigned your website, it may be time to give it a facelift. This is because the design trends and user preferences for websites are constantly evolving, and what worked several years ago may no longer be effective.

Additionally, a redesign can help to make your website more visually appealing, improve user experience, and increase engagement and conversions. A refreshed design can also signal to visitors that your business is up-to-date and committed to providing a high-quality online experience.

20. Ask visitors for feedback

Inviting visitors to give feedback on your website is a great way to get an outside perspective on the user experience. Customers, friends, family, and other people in your network can provide valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not.

By asking for feedback, you can identify any issues or areas for improvement that you may have overlooked. Constructive feedback can help you make changes that will enhance the user experience and ultimately lead to increased engagement, conversions, and customer satisfaction.

21. Develop a marketing plan

To increase traffic and generate new leads, it’s important to have a marketing plan for your website. One approach is to contact bloggers and influencers and ask them to create content that links to your pages. Additionally, creating engaging blog posts, whitepapers, and YouTube videos can help attract visitors and establish credibility.

Running a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign on platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Facebook Ads is another effective way to bring in targeted traffic. Lastly, consider developing an affiliate marketing program to encourage others to promote your site in exchange for a commission on sales.


Spring cleaning your website helps maintain its health and functionality. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your site is up-to-date, secure, and user-friendly. Taking the time to assess your website and make necessary improvements can help drive traffic, generate new leads, and ultimately improve your business’s bottom line.

So, act today and start spring cleaning for a fresh start in the new season!
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