Twitter users will soon be able to choose the quality of uploaded videos

According to Nima Owji, an app researcher, Twitter is working to let its users choose the quality of their uploaded video content. Nima, while sharing the news with his followers through his Twitter profile, uploaded a screenshot offering 720p as the recommended video quality and 1080p as the rarely needed quality (something like YouTube, but we wonder if the micro-blogging platform is ever going to offer 2K or 4K option).

The video quality issue is not new, and Twitter is not the only platform having video quality problems. It has been observed that whenever video content is uploaded, it gets compressed significantly. This step is taken to provide a better experience to the users. Video content of high quality will need more bandwidth. As a result, viewers with low-speed Internet won’t be able to enjoy the uploaded media on time and may get frustrated. Hence, a compressed video will be able to get itself loaded even on a low-speed Internet connection.

Twitter may compress the video due to several factors, including the techniques used for compression. Compression on the platform is not similar to the way users' devices deal with it. Hence, the content may end up getting compressed for reasons that are better known to the regulator.

The speed of the internet connection is also an important factor that determines the compression level. Users with the “Save Data” feature enabled will be viewing videos in low quality as the content will be displayed according to its optimized format.

If a user tried to upload an optimized video, the platform wouldn’t have any reason to compress it; however, if a user uploaded a non-optimized video that may go against video specifications, the content would be compressed.

If a video is being uploaded from a device carrying a virus, the file may end up corrupt. As a result, the content may get blurry and get uploaded with the same blurriness.

Hence, to ensure that the content doesn’t get compressed, users can make sure that they are uploading an optimized version of the video that follows the video specification available on the platform. It is better to keep the original version of the video as well. By following the video requirements, videos won’t be tampered with and will be uploaded in their original form.

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