Most SEOs won’t recommend using AI to write their content

Mordy Oberstein, head of the search engine optimization at Wix, conducted a poll on his Twitter account on January 18, 2023. The question was whether SEOs would recommend using artificial intelligence to their clients. Survey results showed that most people would prefer humans to write content instead of AI.

Out of 684 people who took part in this poll, 66.4 percent of them did not approve of AI as a content writer, while the remaining 33.6 percent would recommend AI for the job.

Even tech giant Google is not in favor of Artificial Intelligence writing content and believes that the content goes against the guidelines.

According to an article published by John Mueller, a Search Advocate, content produced by artificial intelligence falls into the spam category. John stated this while addressing a query about the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, an AI bot. While debating about the use of bots, Mueller explained that anything written by the chatbot will fall in the “auto-generated” section, which under Google’s rule book, accounts for actions being taken against it.

He further added that Google needs human assistance to identify content generated by such AI bots. If the webspam team detects any such content, then the required actions will be taken.
Artificial intelligence has become a common tool for some content writers. Instead of spending days completing an article, users are taking assistance from the AI chatbot. While most people would debate whether AI-generated content is perfect, John Mueller had a different response. He believes that an AI-written piece of content is nothing more than just shifting words around and using synonyms. Those who use such tools would edit the content to make it more appealing to humans. Whereas manual writers have different approaches toward their content. Which makes it unique and more appealing.

Mordy Oberstein, after the poll ended, opened his forum for discussion. The forum had a variety of responses regarding the use of AI writers. And while some of them believed that, under certain conditions, AI writers should be preferred, others did not. And some of them believe that both can work simultaneously if a user lets AI write the content and then edits it.

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