Microsoft Says Its New Bing Experience Is Being Loved By 71% Of Its Userbase

Ever since Microsoft went public with its new AI-powered Bing Search experience, we’ve seen some great responses from the masses.

It exceeded many people’s expectations in terms of popularity, generating millions of downloads at the App Store. People were quick to get their hands on the waiting list. But that’s not all.

Software giant Microsoft is also celebrating after new figures have proven more signs of success. According to the firm’s new blog post, at least 71% of its users are loving the new Bing experience. And that too is only in its first week since the launch going live.

The organization claims that most searchers noted having a positive experience and gave it a thumbs-up review. Moreover, you might even be shocked to learn that there were a few chat sessions taking place on the app where the duration went up to two hours! Yes, that’s definitely something to rave about considering you’re working with an interface comprising a Bing chatbot.

Furthermore, the company hailed the new experience by users because they provided a lot of great feedback on how this feature could improve further in the future. They expected that to arise because it is still very new.

Microsoft has outlined since day one that it needs all the feedback it can get to help bring about a more enhanced user experience.

As far as the areas delineated for improvement are concerned, there were quite a few that the company has noted down. This includes answers requiring data on a more timely basis like reports from the finance world or the sports industry.

Similarly, queries linked to social entertainment and general global discovery of the world were another place many felt the chatbot was lacking. Others highlighted how a lot of the answers seemed too repetitive while others spoke about a weird tone being attached to them.

Others shed light on a few technical errors including broken links, inadequate formatting, and also slow speed downloads. And last but not least, searchers felt there was a general lacking of domains linked to travel and booking flights and even sending out mail or sharing news with proper responses.

The company knows that there is a long way to go before they can call it perfect but so far, so good. They have already started working on the major issues based on the feedback so that clearly gives rise to more exciting times ahead.

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