Google Chrome is working on new privacy and security features

According to ChromeStory, tech giant Google is rolling out a much needed privacy feature on its Chrome browser. This feature will let users instantly clear their browsing history. With just a single tap, the history of the last fifteen minutes will be wiped out. The coding was observed on Chromium Gerrit which shows the feature would be available anytime in the future. Back in 2021, the company introduced an option to clear the data from the last fifteen minutes, but no instant button was provided.

At the moment, it cannot be deduced what the actual function will be, as the flag does not specify whether only the browser history will be cleared or the overall account history. Though it may sound like a new feature, it is not. A similar privacy tool was introduced on Android devices at the beginning of 2023. The feature would let users instantly clean their browser and account history with a single tap. Initially, users would have to go all the way into settings to clear out the searches, but deleting them instantly will make the feature more accessible.

For those who are not very conscious about their browsing searches, the feature may not amuse them, but those who prefer privacy at all costs would have an additional feature other than the incognito mode available on Chrome, which doesn’t keep a record of any browsing history. Or they can take help from a third-party application, such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The feature is currently available on Gerrit, but there’s still a possibility that it may not make it onto the Android version of Google Chrome.

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