Perfectionists Experience Burnout As A Result Of Domestic Stress

Stifling perfectionism can have deadly consequences for your physical and mental health, a new study finds.

Many people are simply exhausted. People who are perfectionists are more likely to burn out than the average person, according to psychiatrist Gordon Parker. He says the problem stems from their determined standards and a world where perfection is expected, even though our lives have never been busier.

Recent work has shown an increased risk for burnout among those who experience chronic stress. Extremely stressful events can lead to burnout and feelings of exhaustion, confusion, and regular stress. The incremental impact of all these recent stresses on the body is what has led to this.

As many people know, burnout is a phenomenon that can cause severe health problems. But what did you know about the causes and effects of burnout? Prof. Parker's studies have found that most people don’t realize how much stress they’re under until they take time for self-care. In this presentation, Parker highlights the signs of burnout, including symptoms like exhaustion, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and poor performance.

Burnout has been connected to significant reductions in productivity and quality of life. People experiencing it are 2.6 times more likely to be dissatisfied with their lives and experience depressive symptoms than those not experiencing burnout.

According to the research, pre-existing personal characteristics, particularly perfectionism, may contribute to burnout. Burnout is something we all face, but understanding how it develops can help us identify those at greatest risk and help us keep this condition from spreading through our organization.

A lot of research has been done to find out why so many people who manage to thrive in their fields, like doctors and lawyers, are inclined to burn out, then take a break and feel “less good” about themselves. The author of the new book Burnout says that many techniques can be used to reduce the risk of burnout, such as setting realistic working hours and refraining from overwork. But one is more important than the other.

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