Apple Has Been Accused of Violating Labor Rights in the USA and Now the Company Has to Audit its Labor Practices

Now Apple is in trouble again after being accused of union busting. Apple has to review its labor practices as regulators and employees have accused Apple of not following the human rights policies of laborers. But before taking things further, Apple has said that it will review the human rights policies for the workers who work for it because it is important for the association and the rights of employees working for Apple. Apple has promised to make things right by the end of 2023.

Accordingly to NYT, Apple is planning to partner with a third-party firm for this audit. New York City public worker pension funds called for this assessment as they handle around $7 billion of Apple stock. Apple has said that it will be ready for the audit if the city investors will not put forward their proposal anymore.
The investor group shared a letter with the chairman of Apple, Arthur Levinson, saying that it is preferred that Apple hires a firm that has expertise in labor. The letter also stated that the chairman should include its global supply chain and non-US operations for this audit. The investor group wrote that Apple has promised the rights to workers globally so it must be included in this assessment even though the issue has only arisen in the US right now. If Apple adds global concerns, then this assessment will find more credibility and any issues at the global level can also be addressed easily.

This assessment news came when Apple was in the middle of its first union contract with Unionized Workers at a store in Maryland. The thing worth mentioning is that workers in half a dozen stores all around the world have accused Apple of violating labor laws. Workers have said that Apple hasn't given them any hope to make things right and nothing is being organized to listen to the complaints of the workers.

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