Tech Giant Huawei Emerges Out Of Crisis Mode Despite Sanctions From US and UK

Leading giant in the world of tech, Huawei has gone on to declare that the firm is finally out of crisis mode. This is right after it was slapped with sanctions from the US, UK, and Japan.

The countries slammed the tech giant for spying and for carrying out sabotage of the worst kind. But the organization’s head said it is making some great progress despite the news and has turned back to business as per usual.

Huawei similarly spoke in detail about how its yearly revenues were expected to stay flat in 2022 after America struck it with major sanctions. But despite entering crisis mode, it seems to be doing quite well at this moment in time.

Chairman Eric Xu stated the news via a letter yesterday and he shared his contentment on the matter of being back to usual in terms of business.

It’s not just smartphones that have Huawei doing great but telecom gear and a few other advanced equipments have made it a leading name in the industry.

It’s definitely a sigh of relief for the firm to get back on track after being constantly hammered by the likes of the American administration under the rule of former US president Donald Trump. This was linked to concerns about both cybersecurity and espionage.

Now, his successor Biden is definitely adding more pressure with a few more rules and regulations while threatening the company from accessing the supply chains of the global semiconductor system.

The yearly estimated revenue for this year stands at just $92 billion, which is just a little higher than what we saw in the year 2021.

There was definitely one point in time when things did not look good for a leading tech giant like Huawei. Seeing nations like Japan bar it from gaining access to government contracts was certainly not what it had hoped for.

Next, we saw it diversifying different streams of revenue by venturing into different fields to cover up losses. Remember, a huge revenue chunk was removed after the American sanctions on both telecom equipment and also businesses linked to smartphones.

Right now, the company’s 5G gear was blocked in leading markets such as the US and the UK, and even Japan due to security issues. But it blatantly denied all allegations linked to risks that such equipment carries like sabotage and even spying.

We are talking about a firm that was the world’s leading smartphone producer, once upon a time. Now, sales are declining after the US cut its access to different parts of the world and barred it from making use of the operating system of Android.

Since then, we’ve seen it go on to the cloud computing sector and make a name for itself there. The whole aim is to make investments in the world of data centers present globally while focusing more on the likes of providing tech to consumers like smartwatches and some new additions to smartphones.

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