72% of Online Trackers Come From Google Alone, New Study Shows

Most websites have online trackers because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing them to track your online activities and target you with ads based on these findings. The team over at Lokker analyzed over 170,000 websites to figure out where these trackers are coming from. It turns out that a vast majority of these online trackers, or 93.7% to be precise, came from just 3 companies.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that these three companies are Google, Meta and Microsoft. It should come as no surprise that these three tech juggernauts are putting out the highest amount of third party tracking cookies due to their reliance on this form of tracking to prop up their otherwise unsustainable business models.

Meta in particular has seen a huge slump in its revenue predictions as well as its stock price after the deprecation of third party tracking cookies. In spite of the fact that this is the case, it was not Meta that had the highest proportion of online trackers. That dubious honor belonged to Google, which was responsible for just under half of all online trackers that are keeping tabs on the browsing activities of unsuspecting users.

Two other major tracking sources were YouTube with 13.8% and DoubleClick with 8.3%. Since both of these companies are owned by Google, it would be fair to say that 72% of all online trackers actually come from Google with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Facebook has a 15.7% share of online trackers, which is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. Microsoft, meanwhile, has a 6% share which is paltry in comparison to Google and not even half as much as that of Meta.

Indeed, Microsoft’s share of online trackers turned out to be lower than that of Hotjar, which had a 6.3% share of the total. This shows that Google is the dominant force in the online tracking sector with no one else coming anywhere close.

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