Elon Musk May Launch A Competitor To iPhone & Android If Twitter Is Removed From The App Store

Rumors of a device from Tesla arriving in the market and serving as the perfect competitor to both iPhones and Android have been surfacing for a while now.

Today, Elon Musk did spill the beans on his future plans in case his Twitter platform is shown the door at the App Store.

Musk mentioned that a device would be lined up that would fair pretty well against the likes of Android and iPhones. He feels that a backup plan is the need of the day if firms start taking unfair decisions against his new social media app.

In case you were not already aware, Elon Musk has made some serious changes to his Twitter app that many deem to be controversial. Some worked, but the others didn’t. And many critics are now predicting that it’s only some time before we witness the downfall of this platform.

Then we saw the likes of so many advertisers dropping out as they felt it was just too risky of a decision to invest. The most recent decision of Musk that is raising eyebrows is a poll where he asked if all banned accounts on the app should be reinstated or not. And that’s just a few days after former US President Donald Trump was invited back on the app.

Now, it appears so much more possible that we might end up seeing Musk’s strive to promote free speech as one that’s violating various guidelines in today’s market. Moreover, this particular strategy has led us to understand that both Apple and Google would end up kicking the app off the market soon.

This is definitely not the first time that we’ve heard about Musk making huge complaints against both of these leading tech firms. Previously, he slammed them for offering such high fees.

The famous Tesla Pi Phone is a device that’s been talked about very vaguely in the past. There are rumors but the only thing that’s pushing Musk over the edge is his acquisition of Twitter and what to do next in case things don’t work out.

We must mention that the idea is not too far-fetched. Remember, Tesla does have its own microprocessing plant for creating chips and stacking software with all sorts of games and even apps. And with over one million clients, it’s a vision we see happening soon someday.

For now, we’ll just take the news as a hint from Musk as to what could be his next deal but it’s not in fruition yet.

There is a lot to consider in terms of Apple and Google and their shocking behavior. If they do gang up on Twitter, a lot of things can change including Elon Musk’s pulling out various shots.

And again, what would the world’s response to such decisions be in the first place is another point worth a mention. For now, we’re just letting time unfold the reality before us.

Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

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