89% of Hybrid Workers Say They Want Better Tech From Their Employers

Frustration with workplace tech can be a common source of woe for employees because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making their jobs harder than they need to be. A new survey from Compucom revealed that 89% of workers believe that they would be able to perform better if they were provided with better quality tech from the companies that they work for, and they also said that this would improve their job satisfaction as well as employee retention rates.

Out of all of the people who responded to this survey, 70% of them said that they would be more loyal to their employers and dedicated to their respective roles if they are given better technology. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that a whopping 94% would like it if they had more options to choose from in terms of the tech they could use to get work done.

22% of survey respondents said that they had had bad experiences with workplace tech in the past, and 29% stated that they are using outdated tech that is as many as five years old. Two out of every three workers are being forced to use personal devices which can unleash a whole slew of security breaches, and they are also having to spend money on dedicated devices for work.

57% of employees spent at least five hundred dollars on tech for work, and 28% spent over a thousand dollars with all things having been considered and taken into account. 45% of tech workers are considering switching to a new job due to how frustrated they are about the current state of their workplace tech, and that can make it harder for companies to hold onto employees than might have been the case otherwise.

The post pandemic landscape is quite different, with 88% of workers now saying that they need advanced tech. If these are not met, the Great Resignation could get worse before it starts to get any better.

Read next: 48% of Workers Faced Increased Passive Aggressiveness At Work After Covid
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