Recent Studies About Early Departure of Healthy Practices Might Leave People Anxious

According to a recent study, healthy habits acquired by people don't remain for a long time as expected.

Acquiring and following healthy habits is an important sign of successful and healthful life. But as per research, an average person gives up on healthy habits within seven weeks. Only 21 percent of people consistently follow up healthy routines for a month which include, hitting a gym, having fewer alcohol intakes, and running/jogging.

Some practices that people try to follow but fail are, sleeping properly, reading more, proper meal planning, recycling things, having a quick shower, meditation for better physical and mental health, giving priorities to local foods, delivering more charities, and avoiding plastic.

A survey also indicates that 53 percent of people admitted the fact that they try to develop healthy habits in their lifestyle but didn't last. The top of the list of habits includes often exercising, providing 'me' time, less consumption of alcohol, going to sleep early, having a proper diet, and achieving a milestone of 10,000 steps daily.

A healthy and stress-free lifestyle is the reason behind enhanced productivity. Thus, 54% of people accept the fact that they observe a slight positive spark in their lives by implementing some healthy practices. Moreover, 72% of them aim towards smaller goals rather than massive leaps. And besides this, 67% of surveyed people just love to stick in their comfort zones.

An ample number of people narrate that they love the positive change in their lifestyle by implementing fit and fine practices. But according to them, it is not as easy as it looks, and executing the style till the end requires hefty strength, willpower, and stability.

The research also highlights some reasons for people to continue their healthy lifestyles. Among them, an improvement in physical health, playing their role individually, and saving money tops the list with 32, 24, and 21% of people respectively. In addition, lack of willpower, motivation, and time play the role in discontinuation of the healthy process with 27, 27, and 20% of failures respectively.

Multiple people also claim to observe positivity and pride in their lives by following healthy practices, whereas, it results in anxiety, disappointment, and frustration if they fail to deliver their best.

In addition, 75% of people believe that their change towards a better lifestyle can bring many positive changes in the world if other individuals start similar practices. Besides this, the reasons such as becoming grandparents, the COVID pandemic, social media, and better health care are at the top of the list of reasons that inspire people to work towards a better and healthy lifestyle.

To conclude, an ample number of people accept the fact that healthy and fit routines contribute to a better and more productive environment but many of them fail because of various reasons. Thus, as per research and studies, people try various metrics to contribute towards health and fitness for a better and eco-friendly environment.

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