A study reveals that fintech applications cost half as much across Android devices as opposed to Apple ones, and also note twice the number of users.
Fintech is a branch of online apps that is attracting a lot of traction nowadays, because I guess everyone’s obsessed with getting that bag, hustling, or whatever new catchphrase we’ve invented for working ourselves to death chasing a dream made up for us by corporate overlords who hoard most of our wealth. While the term is most commonly associated with cryptocurrency and the blockchain, it refers to any strides made toward online finance. This can include the development of automated online exchange, big data, and even cloud storage and computing. With the world moving more and more rapidly towards online development, it was only a matter of time before everyday finance would become an integral part of the internet landscape.
I feel like most individuals are attracted to crypto and fintech as concepts because they hypothetically represent the one thing that everyone constantly chases after easy money. There’s minimal work, and the results can be exorbitant, never mind the fact that most exchanges can severely impact either the individual who’s buying or selling. They’re huge scams, and I think I’m pretty confident in my stance about this. Enough of my complaining, however; let’s move on to the data that we’re analyzing today. The app marketing company Liftoff reveals that the average cost of a fintech app on Android is approximately USD 2.33 this year, while iOS platforms have their average sum land around the figure of USD 4.35. Much of this difference can be attributed to the Play Store and its peers having relatively looser guidelines and fees for app publishers as opposed to the App Store.
However, many individuals who buy into an app take their time before either signing up or even remaining active on such a platform. Android, again, takes the helm in that regard with registration numbers being much higher for them as opposed to iOS users. This, I believe, can be tied to Apple devices and how much they cost. To afford an iPhone means that you’re at least relying on a relatively stable income, and are therefore less prone to engaging in fads such as cryptocurrency. Android users, on the other hand, seem to have no such reservations.
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Fintech is a branch of online apps that is attracting a lot of traction nowadays, because I guess everyone’s obsessed with getting that bag, hustling, or whatever new catchphrase we’ve invented for working ourselves to death chasing a dream made up for us by corporate overlords who hoard most of our wealth. While the term is most commonly associated with cryptocurrency and the blockchain, it refers to any strides made toward online finance. This can include the development of automated online exchange, big data, and even cloud storage and computing. With the world moving more and more rapidly towards online development, it was only a matter of time before everyday finance would become an integral part of the internet landscape.
I feel like most individuals are attracted to crypto and fintech as concepts because they hypothetically represent the one thing that everyone constantly chases after easy money. There’s minimal work, and the results can be exorbitant, never mind the fact that most exchanges can severely impact either the individual who’s buying or selling. They’re huge scams, and I think I’m pretty confident in my stance about this. Enough of my complaining, however; let’s move on to the data that we’re analyzing today. The app marketing company Liftoff reveals that the average cost of a fintech app on Android is approximately USD 2.33 this year, while iOS platforms have their average sum land around the figure of USD 4.35. Much of this difference can be attributed to the Play Store and its peers having relatively looser guidelines and fees for app publishers as opposed to the App Store.
However, many individuals who buy into an app take their time before either signing up or even remaining active on such a platform. Android, again, takes the helm in that regard with registration numbers being much higher for them as opposed to iOS users. This, I believe, can be tied to Apple devices and how much they cost. To afford an iPhone means that you’re at least relying on a relatively stable income, and are therefore less prone to engaging in fads such as cryptocurrency. Android users, on the other hand, seem to have no such reservations.
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