A New YouTube Creator Insider Video Reveals New Features And Experiments On The Way

A new YouTube Creator Insider video delves into more descriptive description boxes on videos, a new experiment with data stories, updates to Studio Mobile, and the addition of stickers.

Honestly, you’d probably be better off giving the actual Creator Insider video linked below a watch as well. They’re very well made, concise, and sum up important points in a neat, digestible content package. I honestly love the initiative, and it helps the average audience familiarize themselves with YouTube’s staff as well. Devs are no longer unknowns hunched over computers: they have faces and names to them. With all that aside, let’s take a look at the first feature being discussed, which is the addition of more descriptions to a video’s description boxes. More specifically, information about locations in the video will now be added to the box via Google Maps.

This feature was initially limited to select restaurants and cafes and was only available across the mobile version of YouTube. The feature has now expanded to include a variety of other locations as well, specifically the categories of travel locations, recreational facilities, and businesses. Of course, such locations are also initially limited as well, with more and more being added to the mix as the feature expands. It’s also still not available across desktops, limiting creators to their mobile phones and tablets. However, it should also be specified that with such an experimental feature, maybe creators either don’t like the suggested locations to be added, or they’d like to edit in more. For this, automatic additions can be turned off via settings, and other changes can be made during the editing process of a video.

Next, we have a new experiment that YouTube’s holding for creators on the platforms, specifically with regards to the data stories feature. Data stories are essentially accumulations of certain insights and stats that might be useful to a budding YouTuber, and they’re capped off by suggestions about what a channel should do to grow more. Of course, YouTube’s algorithm has been a decisively strong magnet of criticism, and such suggestions coming from an AI might come off as judgmental at the least, and frankly unhelpful at most. Therefore, YouTube is going to test it out with a limited pool of content creators, gauge their reactions, and proceed accordingly.

New updates to Studio Mobile make it so that users can now change a channel’s name, banner, avatar, and description. This is honestly a feature that might make the Studio Mobile app fully viable; however, the Creator Insider video was clear on the fact that this feature will roll out slowly, and will take the entirety of August. Finally, limited creators with access to iOS will be able to send stickers in response to their fans and community whenever they’re live streaming.

Read next: YouTube is releasing a feature that will allow users to zoom into a video but it will only be available for premium users
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