A study conducted by EnTribe states that Consumers prefer User Generated Content over Influencers

The study named ‘The State of User Generated Content’ done by EnTribe, a popular social analyst platform shows that user opinion tips more towards ordinary customers rather than social media influencers and content creators.

Emails using paid influencers talking about their products or services are being seen as less reliable than user-generated content. EnTribe suggests marketers should prioritize user experience and reviews over influencers’ opinions when advertising via emails.

Making this change would be difficult via email, but marketing using positive user quotes would be more effective than using popular influencers. This is especially important in cases where users need to be sure of the reliability of the service or product which is being marketed. EnTribe suggests that firms should put user experience on their platforms on the home page of their website as it adds to the reputation and reliability of the firm.

Entribe has brought a lot of attention to user-generated content and its importance in marketing with this study. EnTribe is also offering a platform for creators to get together, sort of like a community. From the statistics, we can say that EnTribe is putting the effectiveness of user-generated content out there, a point that a lot of other big firms have recognized.

But why is user-generated content favored more than influencers? Well, the stats say that 85% of the consumers have the idea that influencers are being paid to say positive things about the company or firm and are biased. User-generated content, on the other hand, is much more honest and reliable as they don’t get anything out of being dishonest. 29% of the consumers also state that the image they built in their heads about the brand is affected negatively by content creators. Lastly, the same 85% of the consumers would much rather see user-generated content on the site and emails rather than content creators.

The trust factor is what makes a brand truly gain attraction and build its name. It’s not unusual then, that most users would rather trust a user’s word over a hired content creator. This is why 84% of the users agreed that user opinion derives from the trust factor of the brand, and 77% also agreed that they make them more interested in purchasing from that brand. Moreover, 65% of the adults ranging in age from 18-44 years also agreed that user-generated content increases their loyalty to the brand or company.

EnTribe also mentions that 64% of the users follow the brand they like on online platforms such as Twitter as well as other social media platforms. Among these, 74% were in the age range of 18-44. And lastly, 64% stated that they weren’t happy with the saturation of influencer content on most websites they visit as it isn’t very reliable.

This survey was conducted with 819 consumers living in the USA. EnTribe has made clear the importance of user-generated content and why user experience needs even more attention. It drives the loyalty and reputation of new potential customers.

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