YouTube Takes Down More Than 70,000 Videos Related To Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

Ever since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that began towards the end of February, YouTube has made it a point to remove a staggering 70,000 videos to date that are war-related.

This report was confirmed by the Guardian recently as the tech giant unveiled how it was cracking down on content that went against its policy. And that comprised of inhibiting all content creators from putting up an image of denial related to the ongoing war.

While the platform claims it did not go all out on the enforcement action, it did manage to suspect a massive 9000 YouTube channels along the way. This included one that was related to a journalist that supported the current Kremlin government and its affiliated journalists.

Interestingly, this particular journalist’s videos not only went about violating the company’s rules and regulations but also went as far as calling the ongoing war the hyped-up liberation mission.

YouTube mentioned how they’re facing huge violation policies such as those related to leading content creators denying the brutal reality of the ongoing war but this is not the first time that they’ve been forced to deal with it. After all, who can forget content related to denying the Holocaust and more.

The firm’s CPO mentioned to the Guardian how YouTube is used to taking action against such measures and they usually do come unprecedented. Thanks to its new policy, YouTube has also noticed a great increase in the number of Ukrainian, Polish, and Russian users trying to make the most of authoritative-based content that’s related to the war.

We’re talking about a massive 40 million views being generated relating to such ordeals. Similarly, the platform shed light on how pivotal of a role the company had in terms of spreading the right information regarding the event of war.

As we’re all well aware, YouTube has always had a huge responsibility in regards to giving its users credible facts about ongoing scenarios and that’s why it needed to act fast in terms of this conflict in Ukraine too.

This move also highlights a crucial role the company plays in counteracting misinformation. When you actually come to think of it, Russia alone has around 90 million YouTube users and the fact that it is the largest video sharing app in the country means the responsibility is doubled.

In case you didn’t know, the company also had a leading hand in cracking down against government sponsored media links whose main purpose was to spread the Kremlin’s propaganda themed messages.

Read next: YouTube’s New Studio Content Tab Provides Insights On Creator’s Performance For Live-Streams, Shorts, And Other Formats
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