Microsoft is working to give a 4K experience to Microsoft Edge users through AI technology

Microsoft’s famous cross-platform web browser, Microsoft Edge, is going to receive a new update that is aimed at setting new standards for high-resolution picture display.

Microsoft Bing, has recently made an announcement that a new artificial intelligence-based technology will be brought to Edge users. This new technology will allow users to have an excess of 4K images available on websites. It will be an automatic feature and will enhance the quality of a picture on its own. The AI technology has been named as Turing Image Super Resolution and was developed by the team of Project Turing AI.

This AI-based technology won’t be a new thing on this platform as it is already being used by Microsoft Bing to enhance the image quality of satellites on the Bing Map. Two pictures were also shared to highlight the difference between images with and without the 4K supported tech.

The four building blocks behind the successful launch of this project include Human Raters; Noise Modeling; Perception and GAN Loss; and Transformers to Groom Display.

The company understood its assignment that the human perception of vision was not in sync with the metrics used for measuring image models. To counter this, a visual comparison tool was developed that would help in evaluating the image. Speaking about GAN and perceptual loss, Microsoft said that the use of pixel loss was just not enough from a human perspective and needed GAN loss to tune optimal weight combination.

The addition of noise modelling was also considered during the development of this project by first dropping the quality down with the addition of noise and then programming the system to get back to a high state.

Lastly, transformers played the role of filling out the missing pieces of the picture while zooming in on a comparatively smaller picture. This step was taken care of by a new developed system.

The main aim behind this project is to provide a 4K experience while browsing and setting bars up during video sessions. The beta version has already been released. It can be expected that in upcoming months, this project will be available for all Edge users.

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