iOS Users In Shock As The Apple Music App Inserts Itself Into Docks By Removing Other Apps

It wouldn’t be wrong to say Apple has been making the headlines for a while now, thanks to its controversial policies and monopoly-themed practices.

In the recent past, the company has been scrutinized for putting forward harsh protocols that eliminate the concept of fair competition. Therefore, the tech giant has been busy at work, trying to amend its much-talked-about approaches.

But one piece of trending news has some people thinking twice about whether or not the company is actually changing for the better or repeating its same mistakes from the past.

Another major news that has Apple in the hot seat again is related to the tech giant failing to address concerns surrounding the reinstallation of apps from the Apple app store.

New reports have gone on to highlight how Apple may be indulging in bizarre practices such as with Apple Music.

Several avid iOS users were quick to note that when they reinstalled Apple Music back on their devices after being deleted once, they found it strange that the app went back to its same position by default. But let’s not forget how it threw out many other apps along the way.

In the same way, keen iOS observers also proved that if their docks only had Apple apps laid out, nothing would change.

The shocking behavior patterns of Apple were first noticed by a user named Kevin Archer. He called out the tech giant through a post on Twitter. And that caused the word to spread, forcing so many iOS users to try it out for themselves and see the end result.

While some noticed that only their third-party installations were being eliminated, others observed that the Apple Music application was in fact getting rid of their own apps too. And just in case that was not varying enough, some reports also began pouring in relating to Apple Music going as far as acting like Siri for music, right after it was installed.

Many iOS users are speculating about how Apply could potentially have rigged their own system but the fact that we’re getting so many different reports and revelations from all over is a clear signal that this may be a bug that requires immediate attention.

But with a glitch that’s as big as this, we hope the tech giant can try and fix it as soon as possible. For now, we’ll just need to patiently wait and watch for future software updates because that’s when we’ll know for sure.

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