2022 Apps Trend Data Shows Dating, Stocks And Photo Editing Are The 3 Most Popular App Types

The global app market has been growing exponentially, with many new entrants making their mark on the industry. Free apps tend to dominate the market because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing users to get services without paying and developers can earn revenue through other, more effective means. This new report that was just released by Mozillion can help you understand what kinds of apps are most popular on various platforms.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that dating apps tend to be the winner by a large margin. The monthly Google search volume for dating apps over the last six months has been around 450,000. That’s almost the combined total of the next two app types on this list, namely stocks and photo editing both of which saw a monthly search volume of 256,000 each over the same time period.

Games, music and photography apps all got search volumes of around 135,000 per month, followed by video and weather apps which received 110,000 searches on a monthly basis between October of 2021 and March of 2022. Rounding out the top ten list are betting apps and design apps who received search volumes of 49,500 apiece with all things having been considered and taken into account.

The fastest growing apps in this duration were the social video streaming app Lobby, as well as social networks LivIn and Be Real. In spite of the fact that this is the case, gaming apps continued to be the most popular throughout all app stores and resources. 8 out of the top 10 apps that saw the highest bumps in their app store chart positions were free apps, with the highest ranking paid app being Rovio Classics which costs about a dollar to download.

That suggests that free apps see a level of dominance that paid apps can’t compete with, so many more might start to shift to a freemium download model as well.

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