The pandemic may not have been the ideal situation for many of us but being confined to our homes did make us realize a thing: some of us no longer need to go to our offices anymore to do our jobs. They can just as easily be done from home! According to the report published by Adobe, do not worry, as this feeling is mutual with many across the globe.
The trend shift from physical to remote was not easy; however, hundreds of people adapted to the change and only now are realizing the benefits of greater flexibility and control over their day to day jobs. A shocking 51 percent of people reported that they feel like having more flexibility and control over their job. In comparison, 16 percent remained adamant about having rigid work schedules. Quite clearly, the majority does not agree with the 9 to 5 anymore.
The report, published in 2021, is known as the Future of Time. While many invested their time and money studying the trends of the economy during the pandemic, their approach was to learn how the people’s approach toward a typical job might have changed. The report includes about seven countries in its study, including Australia, France, the UK, the US, Japan, Germany and New Zealand. Germany welcomed the embrace most by about 51 percent of people looking forward to implementing it long after the pandemic ends. It is also important to note that people in Germany already are given more flexible control over their working hours compared to other countries included in the study. The country with the least flexible hours is Japan, locking in at 16 percent; however, the people say otherwise. Almost 48 percent are looking forward to a less restrictive and more flexible working environment after the pandemic.
The report also looks into different age groups reacting to more flexible jobs. Younger generations, millennials to be more specific, say that they are likely to shift to another job for greater flexibility given that the working hours and pay are relatively the same. 73 percent of them, to be exact, share thoughts likewise.
Experts also shared their two cents regarding the situation and shared positive thoughts along with the Adobe's findings. They also added that the trends might help develop a system more accepting of gender equality. Parents can work remotely and no longer need to go through the hassle of finding another babysitter or traveling long commute hours. They can easily share the burden while taking care of their children at home.
9 to 5 is not dead, but the many benefits of moving towards a flexible environment may just make it a thing of the past. Times have changed a lot since 8 hour shifts were introduced for factory workers in the 1900s. People now are aware of the importance of upkeeping good mental and social health. Increased retention, talent, diversity and productivity are just a few of the many benefits that come with flexible working hours. You no longer need to drive a terrible commute, stay in offices longer than you have to and attend meetings that will do just fine without you. Flexible working hours are the new hob requirement for many youngsters applying across the globe.

Read next: 85% of Americans Believe Climate Change is Real, But Less Than Half Believe Humans Are the Main Cause
The trend shift from physical to remote was not easy; however, hundreds of people adapted to the change and only now are realizing the benefits of greater flexibility and control over their day to day jobs. A shocking 51 percent of people reported that they feel like having more flexibility and control over their job. In comparison, 16 percent remained adamant about having rigid work schedules. Quite clearly, the majority does not agree with the 9 to 5 anymore.
The report, published in 2021, is known as the Future of Time. While many invested their time and money studying the trends of the economy during the pandemic, their approach was to learn how the people’s approach toward a typical job might have changed. The report includes about seven countries in its study, including Australia, France, the UK, the US, Japan, Germany and New Zealand. Germany welcomed the embrace most by about 51 percent of people looking forward to implementing it long after the pandemic ends. It is also important to note that people in Germany already are given more flexible control over their working hours compared to other countries included in the study. The country with the least flexible hours is Japan, locking in at 16 percent; however, the people say otherwise. Almost 48 percent are looking forward to a less restrictive and more flexible working environment after the pandemic.
The report also looks into different age groups reacting to more flexible jobs. Younger generations, millennials to be more specific, say that they are likely to shift to another job for greater flexibility given that the working hours and pay are relatively the same. 73 percent of them, to be exact, share thoughts likewise.
Experts also shared their two cents regarding the situation and shared positive thoughts along with the Adobe's findings. They also added that the trends might help develop a system more accepting of gender equality. Parents can work remotely and no longer need to go through the hassle of finding another babysitter or traveling long commute hours. They can easily share the burden while taking care of their children at home.
9 to 5 is not dead, but the many benefits of moving towards a flexible environment may just make it a thing of the past. Times have changed a lot since 8 hour shifts were introduced for factory workers in the 1900s. People now are aware of the importance of upkeeping good mental and social health. Increased retention, talent, diversity and productivity are just a few of the many benefits that come with flexible working hours. You no longer need to drive a terrible commute, stay in offices longer than you have to and attend meetings that will do just fine without you. Flexible working hours are the new hob requirement for many youngsters applying across the globe.

Read next: 85% of Americans Believe Climate Change is Real, But Less Than Half Believe Humans Are the Main Cause