Virtual Workplace: Big Companies that Streamline Working from Home

The coronavirus pandemic caused a shift in the workplace like never before. This change occurred swiftly and quickly, causing countless companies to adjust to virtual work and more time spent in the office while out of the office.

Growing technologies like Zoom, Google Meet, and other platforms allowed businesses to indulge in the perks of online work. These helpful programs have bridged the gap between workers and employers who live all over the world.

With remote work increasing in popularity, employees can now clock in virtually from the comfort of their at-home office, their favorite coffee shop, and anywhere they desire.

If your company is considering adopting a remote or hybrid work model, here are a few insights that you should know before making the shift and how to excel in this environment.

Virtual Work and Technology

Technologies such as PCs, cell phones, and the internet allowed for the widespread adoption of the virtual workplace. While these technologies and newer advancements were at the forefront of the push for remote work, many business owners and managers were hesitant to move operations online.

Studies from 2019 showed that only 6% of employed individuals worked from home and that numerous companies were afraid of potential drawbacks like lessened worker productivity and engagement.

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, it forced countless organizations to rethink their day-to-day schedules and business affairs. As it was a very uncertain time with public health legislation changing, businesses had no choice but to move online.

As time has progressed, many businesses have kept a hybrid work model and some have transitioned to a fully remote work environment. Because of this, professional jobs are expected to continue to increase.

Pros of Virtual Workplace

Despite previous fears of lack of engagement and distractions, remote work has proven to be effective and successful for both employers and employees. Here are some of the biggest benefits of remote work that can positively impact your workplace.

Increased productivity

Employees that have been working remotely for a period of time report that they are no less productive at home. Studies have shown 90% of employees are the same amount or are better focused when working at home compared to the office.

This alludes to the idea that in-person pressure and the watchful eye of administrators do not produce better results from employees. Productivity boosted at home equals better work.

Overhead costs cut

One massive benefit of remote work is the lessened cost of overhead fees. When there is no need for an office, there is no need for utilities, rent, and other expenses.

This money can then be used to expand your business, hire new employees, and give raises to existing employees. Adopting a virtual office will still allow your business to feel close-knit through meetings, Zoom happy hours, and other online bonding activities.

Employee satisfaction

Believe it or not, many employees prefer a remote work lifestyle. Flexibility outside of a physical office allows employees to have a few extra freedoms that they wouldn’t otherwise have at a physical office.

Whether they choose to travel or work from their vacation home, they have the ability to do so. This also allows them to spend more time with their friends and family rather than at a desk in an office. They can take up new hobbies after work when they would otherwise be commuting and create a great work-life balance.

Eco-friendly perks

Without the long commutes and the many miles normally driven to work, the environment benefits from remote work. Telecommuting significantly cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

Not to mention, you no longer have to sit in hours of rush-hour traffic to get home after work!

Successful Virtual Workplace Tips

Remote work affairs have become easier as companies pick up on techniques that allow their businesses to thrive virtually. From project management tools to cloud computing, here are some of the best strategies to excel remotely.

Project management

Virtual project management can be streamlined through helpful platforms like Basecamp, Microsoft Project, and Trello. They can help you and your team to manage your oncoming projects, stay updated on daily tasks, and track your work hours.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing allows you to manage your files and store online information securely so authorized individuals can access your documents, rather than emailing or faxing. Google Drive, Dropbox, and other platforms are widely used.

Online chatting

One way to keep your team connected while working remotely is to engage on a chat platform. Whether you’re sharing funny memes on your internal Slack channel or keeping motivational Microsoft team email chains running, there are tons of ways to bridge the remote gap between employees.

Video calls

Because you may no longer get to see your colleagues in person, video chatting allows you to chat face to face–virtually. Zooms are great for virtual conferences with teammates, clients, and even interviewing potential employees.


Because online hackers are prevalent throughout the internet, it's important that your business’ internal information is protected. Tools like Cisco Umbrella and 1Password can help prevent cyberattacks and security breaches from occurring while managing your passwords.

Online Support

Virtual receptionists, live chat staff, and other outsourced sales development will help your employees by cutting back on interruptions like incoming phone calls. This will limit time spent distracted so your team can focus on business affairs.

Big Companies Embracing Remote Work

If you’re considering implementing a remote work model, take a look at some of the most popular and prestigious companies that are taking virtual work to the next level.


Adobe, a computer software company, prioritizes the happiness and well-being of its employees. Adobe prides itself on meeting the needs and expectations of each of its employees, often surveying what could be improved at the company.

Adopting a remote work model during the pandemic, they have become a digital-first company that pledged “no layoffs” during the pandemic.


FlexJobs is a job search site that allows you to find flexible, virtual jobs. As a recently remote company, FlexJobs has saved more than $5 million dollars on overhead costs.

They have also seen a 15% increase in employee productivity and satisfaction since switching to remote work. As one can see, Flexjobs is one of the many companies that exhibits a positive increase in employee engagement.


InVision is a prototyping platform that helps designers create interactive models for designs. It has been fully remote since 2011 and has grown from 500 to 800+ employees in just a few years.

As a fully remote company, InVision has the ability to hire anyone, no matter where they live around the world. This creates a larger and more diverse workforce.

In the wake of a changing workforce model, there are tons of pluses to working remotely. Whether you enjoy spending time at home at your desk or enjoy traveling without the pressure of coming back to work on Monday mornings, remote work provides many benefits for employees and employers alike.
If you are looking to learn more about how to transition into a new remote role or transform your company from in-person to remote, visit for tips on how to create a successful professional experience.

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