Leaked Version Of EU Document Hints At Major Changes For Apple’s App Store, Siri, FaceTime, Messages And More

One version of the Digital Markets Act has been leaked to the public and the EU document predicts major changes for Apple’s App Store, Siri, Facetime, Messages, and even third-party browsers.

The document is said to be the final face of the DMA and was recently viewed by MacRumors. They claim that the EU seems keen on targeting major tech firms like Apple and how they’re managing products, services, and apps across the continent. Moreover, special emphasis was seen on gatekeeping.

Previously, we saw the EU document layout demands for giant tech firms and their sharing of metrics with other players in the market. This includes making sure apps were fairly placed in the market and came with the uninstallable feature.

Any company that failed to follow those guidelines was said to be punished with high fines that estimated to 10% of their annual returns, not to mention forceful disinvestment.

The DMA headlined how major changes were soon on the rise for the Apple App Store, and how users would now need to download their apps through the web or other third-party locations. This included a feature that hinted at developers making the most of in-app payments.

But the newly leaked document also had some changes in store for browsers’ gatekeeping and how platforms function with one another.

The European Union’s expansion of provision to block a firm’s developers from using a certain browser was also noted. And clearly, this was a target to Apple’s decision to enforce the use of their own WebKit technology for iOS and iPads. Therefore, with the effect in place, Chrome, Opera, and Edge would no longer use WebKit and could switch over to Chromium.

On the other hand, the document also briefly outlined how firms would now be making sure that features like testing, video calling, and voice calling through apps could work with other competitors and would need to have end-to-end encryption.

The DMA is keen on adding more provisions for virtual assistance such as Siri. When and if required, users could alter between another virtual assistant from a third-party source.

It’s quite clear what the EU appears to be doing and in case you haven’t guessed by now, they’re on a mission to equal the playing field for all without any preferential treatment given to one.

While the document was provisionally approved last month, it’s yet to be officially published and requires further approval from the European Parliament so it can actually implement those changes and have them come into effect for users. But as far as predictions are concerned, the earliest date expected is going to be October of this year.

Interestingly, the European Parliament voted in favor of forcing Apple to use the USB-C port for all of its devices across Europe. Now if that’s not what you call massive government overreach then we’re not quite sure what is.

Apple is yet to respond to the news for any comment.

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