Instagram Gives Users A More Worthwhile Experience With New Messaging Upgrades Like Quick Sharing, Music Previews, And More

Instagram is working hard on its messaging upgrades and the results are in front of us as the app announces an array of distinct features.

Messaging is clearly turning into a huge part of the entire Instagram experience. And what better way to celebrate just that than better upgrades.

Users can expect diverse chat themes, faster sharing, music previews, and a lot more as the Meta-owned platform announced today.

Let’s take a look at each of these features in detail and how users can benefit.

New Reply While Browsing

The thought of tapping into your DM inbox while browsing your newsfeed can be annoying for some. But now, users don’t have to worry as Instagram is giving them the option to simultaneously reply to any of their texts in-stream.

Users will find the option in their first frame as the new incoming text shows up via the drop-down option. Simply reply there without opening up that DM.

Quick Send

The new quick reply option means highlighting all of your closest contacts by tapping and holding the post’s SHARE button. This way, users will again benefit from having a disruption-free browsing experience.

Online Indicators

It’s always great to see which of your contacts are available online, just in case you wish to ping them or perhaps are in search of a quick reply like Facebook Messenger. And that’s why Instagram’s new rollout features will also include online indicators that give you all those details for greater connection.

This is also being looked upon by experts as a whole new exploration when it comes down to enhancing user engagement, allowing more and more people to send replies or communicate through their DM.

New Chat Themes

Users can avail the platform’s innovative approach to exciting chat themes. This feature also gives you salient features like enhanced messaging options where you can use the ‘@silent’ to target a message to a specific audience or even include polls in group chats as well.

Surprisingly, the @silent feature was also recently rolled out by Facebook Messenger this week, which also spoke about an array of different shortcuts that activates features from the Messenger app.

For now, only the famous @silent option has managed to make its way to Instagram. But remember, it’s solely restricted to US-based audiences for now, but the app hopes to expand further soon, keeping in mind the restrictions in place by the European Union.

Music Previews

Now, users can benefit from sharing music directly with their Instagram contact list through DMs. This allows a 30-second long preview of any song that has taken over your mind, allowing contacts to take a listen through the app’s chat window.

Instagram says that all of these features have been through different testing periods and that’s why some people may have already seen them in the near past but now, it’s available for all.

Clearly, the use of DMs has increased over the years. Therefore, Instagram’s approach to targeting its app’s direct messenger with trending rollouts makes absolute sense.

Read next: Instagram Is Testing A New Feature That Enables Users To Support Social Causes Through Hashtags
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